Ah, high school — those awkward years that are hell to live through. It turns out that had a double meaning for Buffy Summers and her classmates as their school was built on top of the nasty place. 2000 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reflections offers a premium spinoff outside of the traditional season-based sets. Not only is the theme different, but designs get an overhaul as well. And the autographs? Well, a couple of those are pretty great, too.
The 72-card base set looks back on Buffy’s time in high school. This includes friends, enemies and an adventure or two that helped shape her into the woman she became. Cards are printed on a canvas-style stock, which gives them a sort of artistic look and feel.
Autographs are the top inserts. 2000 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Connections has just six signers, but it’s a stronger lineup. Leading the way is Eliza Dushku who played Faith in the show as well as its spinoff, Angel. Other autographs include Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) and Juliet Landau (Drusilla).
Portrait of the Slayer is the standard nine-card puzzle. Six die-cut Slayer’s Journal cards are the other inserts found in packs.
2000 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reflections Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Shop for 2000 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reflections boxes on eBay.
Base Cards
72 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Destiny Free
3 Not Again
4 Beautiful Stranger
5 A Little Death
6 Lost Innocence
7 Slayer’s Duty
8 Tested
9 Protector
10 Librarian
11 Romantic
12 Magician
13 Wounded
14 Ripper
15 Devoted
16 Fighter
17 Dedicated
18 Closing
19 Shopper
20 Digital Gal
21 Xander’s Pal
22 Invisible Girl
23 Disillusioned
24 Wicked Willow
25 Oz’s Girlfriend
26 Tough Cookie
27 Worthy Wicca
28 Doofus
29 Savior
30 G.I. Guy
31 Jock
32 Xander and Cordie
33 Xander and Willow
34 Xander and Faith
35 Xander and Anya
36 True
37 Leader
38 Spirited
39 Lonely
40 Loving
41 Vicious
42 Wounded
43 Wronged
44 Watching the Watcher
45 Working Class
46 Starcrossed
47 Rescuer
48 Ageless
49 Killer
50 To Hell
51 And Back
52 Redeemed
53 Renewed
54 Farewell
55 The Master
56 The Anointed One
57 Spike
58 Drusilla
59 Ethan Rayne
60 Acathla
61 Kakistos
62 Faith
63 Mayor Wilkins
64 Joyce, Her Mom
65 Harmony, The Snob
66 Jenny, The Gypsy
67 Amy, The Witch
68 Kendra, The Other Slayer
69 Wesley, The Watcher
70 Oz, The Guitarist
71 Jonathan Levenson, Classmate
72 Checklist
6 cards, insertion rates not announced.

A1 Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles
A2 Eliza Dushku as Faith
A3 Armin Shimerman as Principal Snyder
A4 Harry Groener as Mayor Wilkins
A5 Serena Scott Thomas as Gwendolyn Post
A6 Juliet Landau as Drusilla
Portrait of a Slayer
9 cards, 1:11 packs.

Slayer’s Journal
6 cards, 1:17 packs.

J1 First Look
J2 First Kiss
J3 Lost Innocence
J4 Lost Hope
J5 Big Choice
J6 Graduation Day
Case Topper
1 card, 1 per case.

BRC-1 Season 4 Promo Card
Promo Cards

P1 Buffy
P2 Buffy and Angel – 2,000 Printed
P3 Buffy – UK
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