The 1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives checklist combines new and old to create some that’s both familiar and different. At its most basic, the set takes cards from the original trilogy’s run from 1977 to 1983 and gives them a chromium makeover. Actually, that pretty much is the entire premise — old is new, only shinier.
1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives Checklist Details
The base set doesn’t transfer all of the cards from 1977 Topps Star Wars, 1980 Empire Strikes Back and 1983 Return of the Jedi over. Rather, it’s 30 cards from each film for a complete set of 90.
The layout for each design remains as it was, however the new chrome stock gives things a very different look and feel. Instead of cardboard, everything is metallic now and cards are slick. Backs look a little dark. However, the glossy backs brighten things up significantly versus the originals.
Two additional insert sets are part of the checklist. Four Clear Chrome cards are exactly as the name suggests. More recreations, the backgrounds on these are transparent while remaining visual elements are still chromium. These land 1:18 packs, or approximately two per hobby box.
Nine Double-Sided Chromium cards look to the stickers from the original 1977 Topps Star Wars set for inspiration. On the front are the same graphics as the character stickers. Backs, still in chrome, act as puzzle pieces. Completing the set recreates the iconic Hildebrandt brothers Star Wars poster.
Something that’s noticeably absent from 1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives are Refractors. The shiny parallels have been a part of virtually every Topps Chrome set since the brand’s introduction in 1996. You can go back to 1993 Finest for Topps’ chromium sets in general as well. For whatever reason, the popular parallels never made the cut here.
This is the second full set of chromium cards for the franchise following 1996 Topps Star Wars Finest.
1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
Star Wars
1 Darth Vader Strangles A Rebel!
2 A Message From Princess Leia!
3 Princess Leia – Captured!
4 The Escape Pod Is Jettisoned!
5 The Droids On Tatooine
6 Stormtroopers Seek The Droids!
7 Luke Checks Out His New Droid
8 The Tusken Raiders
9 Ben Kenobi Rescues Luke!
10 Interrogated By Stormtroopers!
11 Han Solo Cornered By Greedo!
12 Distracted By Solo’s Assault
13 The Millennium Falcon Speeds Through Space!
14 Lord Vader Threatens Princess Leia!
15 Sighting The Death Star
16 Deadly Blasters!
17 Planning An Escape!
18 Stormtroopers Attack!
19 Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill
20 Han and Chewie Shoot It Out!
21 Ben With The Lightsaber!
22 The Lightsaber
23 Han In The Millennium Falcon
24 Luke Prepares For The Battle
25 Who Will Win The Final Star War?
26 Preparing For The Raid!
27 The Empire Strikes Back!
28 Battle In Outer Space!
29 Spectacular Battle!
30 The Honored Heroes!
The Empire Strikes Back
31 Luke Astride His Tauntaun
32 Rejuvenation Chamber
33 Imperial Spy
34 The Snow Walkers
35 Rebel Snowspeeders Zero In!
36 Vader and His Snowtroopers
37 Emergency Blast Off!
38 Battle Of The Star Destroyer
39 Canyons Of Death!
40 Misty World Of Dagobah
41 Welcome, Young Luke!
42 Journey Through The Swamp
43 Use The Force, Luke!
44 Luke Battles…Himself?
45 The Bounty Hunters
46 Star Lovers
47 The Landing
48 Enter Lando Calrissian
49 Han’s Torment
50 The Prize Of Boba Fett
51 His Day Of Triumph
52 The Fate Of Han Solo
53 Boba’s Special Delivery
54 The Search For Vader
55 The Confrontation
56 The Force And The Fury
57 Embrace The Dark Side!
58 Hate Me, Luke! Destroy Me!
59 Luke’s Last Stand
60 Toward Tomorrow…
Return of the Jedi
61 The New Death Star
62 Intergalactic Gangster
63 Han Solo’s Plight
64 The Princess Enslaved
65 The Young Jedi
66 The Dreaded Rancor
67 Toward The Sarlacc Pit
68 Jabba The Hutt’s New Dancing Girl
69 Boba Fett Attacks!
70 The Raging Battle
71 Swing To Safety
72 The Deciders
73 Yoda, The Jedi Master
74 A Word With Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
75 Droids On The Move
76 Captured!
77 All Hail See-Threepio!
78 Unexpected Allies
79 Luke Skywalker’s Destiny
80 Imperial Biker Scout
81 Ready For Action!
82 Artoo-Detoo – Hit!
83 Chewbacca Triumphant
84 Facing The Emperor
85 The Emperor’s Offer
86 Darth Vader Is Down!
87 The Death Star Raid
88 Military Leader Admiral Ackbar
89 Within the Death Star
90 The Triumphant Trio
Clear Chrome Checklist
4 cards.
1:18 pack.

C-1 May the Force Be with You!
C-2 David Prowse as Darth Vader
C-3 Harrison Ford as Han Solo
C-4 Liberated Princess!
Double-Sided Chrome Checklist
9 cards.
1:12 packs.
D-1 Darth Vader
D-2 Luke Skywalker
D-3 Princess Leia
D-4 Han Solo
D-5 Chewbacca
D-6 Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
D-7 See-Threepio
D-8 Artoo-Detoo
D-9 The Tusken Raider
Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Hate Me, Luke! Destroy Me!
P2 Welcome, Young Luke!