1999 Topps Pokemon: The First Movie (or Movie Animation Edition) offer a different spin than most of the franchise’s other trading cards. Games aren’t found on this checklist. They’re just regular, old trading cards covering the cartoon’s big screen debut. It’s a little more complex than that, but that’s the gist of it.
1999 Topps Pokemon: The First Movie Checklist Overview
The base set has 72 total cards. That said, the checklist is broken down into three distinct sections and a pair of number sets. The first 41 cards offer a recap of Pokemon: The First Movie. Lots of different Pokemon and their trainers appear. Next is 18 cards for Pikachu’s Vacation, the short that preceded the main feature.
The final section, Evolutions, showcases the three forms of four Pokemon types. Rather than the numbering continuing, it resets and runs from E1 through E12.
Foil parallels are one per pack and come in multiple forms. The first is Silver Foil, which are somewhat dark and have a flat finish.
Rainbow Foil cards are noticeably brighter, particularly under light. Actual, all cards have two different Rainbow Foil cards. Those from the first printing have a normal surface. Second print cards have an added textured look to them that resembles lots of small dots running throughout the background.
Two additional insert sets are also on the checklist.
Evolution Die-Cut Embossed takes the same 12 cards from the base set and soup them up with two additional levels of printing technology. The die-cut edges go tother to form three-card mini puzzles of the Pokemon type’s various forms. Landing 1:12 packs, these are approximately three per hobby box.
Every other pack comes with one of 18 different stickers. Backs act as pieces for either a Mewtwo or Ash puzzle.
Blue Logos vs. Black Logos
The 1999 Topps Pokemon: The First Movie checklist is pretty basic right? Kind of. Where it gets a little more complicated is that every card has two different versions depending on whether they’re from the first printing or the second.
For the most part, the difference is minimal — the color of the Topps logo. On first printings, cards it’s blue. Those coming from the second print have black.
The only cards that have another different outside the logo are the Rainbow Foil parallels. As noted above, second printing (black logo) cards have a textured background as well.
Evolutions and Stickers inserts also have the two similar but separate versions.
Collectors going for unopened material can tell which printing boxes and packs come from as the Topps logo color change carries over on these as well.
As far as value goes, there doesn’t appear to be much of a different between the two printings.
1999 Topps Pokemon: The First Movie Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 72 cards
Cards per pack: Hobby – 8, Blaster – 8
Packs per box: Hobby – 36, Blaster – 11
Shop for 1999 Topps Pokemon: The First Movie boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
72 cards.
Cards can be found with both black and blue Topps logos.
Buy on eBay:
1 Legends
2 Awakenings
3 Consciousness and Congratulations
4 Leaving the Nest
5 The Proposition
6 Mechanical Mewtwo
7 Trying Out the New Toy
8 Rebellion
9 Ash and Company
10 Battle Before Lunch
11 Donphan
12 The Nefarious Team Rocket
13 The Invitation
14 Marina in Chaos
15 The Tempest — A Bad Omen
16 A Call to Arms
17 Underwater Adventure
18 The Temple of Mewtwo
19 The Stairwell
20 The Best of the Best
21 Introductions
22 The Trainer’s Failure
23 Meowth Times Two
24 The Story of Mewtwo
25 The Battle of the Champions
26 Round One Equals Defeat
27 Stealing Pokémon
28 The Chase for Pikachu
29 Clones!!!
30 Rescuing Pikachu
31 Reunited!
32 The Battle Renewed
33 Psychic Showdown
34 The Ultimate Match
35 The Fight Rages
36 Ash’s Sacrifice
37 The Tears of Pokémon
38 The Rebirth of Ash
39 Farewell
40 Like It Never Happened
41 The Future Looks Bright
Pikachu’s Vacation
42 Pikachu’s Vacation
43 Don’t Cry, Togepi!
44 Looks Like Trouble…
45 Togepi In Trouble
46 Peacemaker Pikachu
47 The Water Race Is On!
48 Racing Cheek To Cheek
49 Rest And Relaxation At Last
50 The “Tail” End Of The Race
51 Trapped Charizard
52 Everyone…Pull!!!
53 C’mon, We Need Help
54 Teamwork
55 Success
56 Better Than Ever
57 Playtime
58 A Great Day
59 New Friends And Farewells
E1 Bulbasaur
E2 Ivysaur
E3 Venusaur
E4 Charmander
E5 Charmeleon
E6 Charizard
E7 Squirtle
E8 Wartortle
E9 Blastoise
E10 Dratini
E11 Dragonair
E12 Dragonite
Rainbow Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1 foil card per pack.
Cards have blue Topps logo on the back.
Buy on eBay.

Silver Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1 foil card per pack.
Cards can be found with both blue and black Topps logos.
Buy on eBay.

Textured Rainbow Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1 foil card per pack.
Cards have black Topps logo on the back.
Buy on eBay.

Evolution Die-Cut Embossed Checklist
12 cards.
1:12 packs.
Cards can be found with both blue and black Topps logos.

1 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Charmander
5 Charmeleon
6 Charizard
7 Squirtle
8 Wartortle
9 Blastoise
10 Dratini
11 Dragonair
12 Dragonite
Stickers Checklist
18 cards.
1:2 packs.
Cards can be found with both blue and black Topps logos.

Caterpie / Metapod / Butterfree
Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard
Ekans / Koffing / Weezing / Meowth / Persian / Arbok
Graveler / Geodude / Golem
Nidoran / Voltorb / Venonat / Vulpix / Jolteon / Machop
Onyx / Cubone / Eevee / Zubat / Farfetch’d / Clefairy
Pidgey / Poliwag / Sandshrew / Jigglypuff / Bellsprout / Rattata
Pikachu – Arms Up
Pikachu – Sitting
Raichu / Pikachu / Pikachu
Scyther / Snorlax / Mankey / Clefairy / Lapras / Gloom
Squirtle / Wartortle / Blastoise
Staryu / Seel / Psyduck / Tentacool / Tentacruel / Starmie
Venusaur / Bulbasaur / Ivysaur
Blockbuster Promo Card Checklist
1 card.
Not available in packs.
Distributed at Blockbuster Video with rental of the movie.

0 Super Psychic Pokémon