1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis trading cards are based on a single comic. Yes, there was a time when one book was enough to develop an entire series of trading cards. Granted, matters are helped greatly when the artwork is done by the legendary Greg and Tim Hildebrandt.
Art is the primary focus of the product. Each card is painted by the brother duo. The 90-card base set has a simple full-bleed design that is all-image save for the X-Men 2099: Oasis logo. Backs offer a recap of the story.
A total of 500 cards were signed by both of the Hildebrandts.
The only other insert in packs are Chromium cards centering on specific characters. The set has nine cards and fall 1:12 packs.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis boxes also come with a bonus card as a box loader. There’s only one to collect.
Given the limited scope of the product and the fact that it comes from the Marvel 2099 line, this isn’t the biggest set of X-Men trading cards of all-time. But anything by the Hildebrandts still gets attention.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 Hunted in Hong Kong
2 Lokjaw the Tracker
3 Sparring Partners
4 The Prey Revealed
5 Turning the Tables
6 Ultimatum
7 Power Surge
8 The Surprise Savior
9 Kindness from a Stranger
10 Wings Over the Desert
11 Under Surveillance
12 Target Practice
13 Fallen Bird
14 Trapped!
15 Soothing the Savage Beast
16 A New Man
17 Ghost Town
18 Shakti Goes Solo
19 Mutant Hunt
20 At Your Service
21 Divine Madness
22 A Shock to the System
23 A Face in the Wind
24 Flames of Desire
25 The Chase
26 The City That Never Was
27 Paradise on Earth
28 Old Friend, New Beginning
29 Salvation
30 Master of the House
31 Beneath the Mask
32 A Ghost From the Past
33 Slow Death
34 A Life Not Worth Living
35 Poison in the Air
36 The Enemy Within
37 Second Chance
38 The Birth of Paradise
39 Invited Guests
40 Beneath the Surface
41 Access Denied
42 Verbal Assault
43 The Beast Within
44 Touch of Evil
45 Scent of a Woman
46 Love From the Ashes
47 The Ravages of Time
48 The Other Side of Paradise
49 The Face of Madness
50 Lovers’ Quarrel
51 Irreconcilable Differences
52 No Regrets
53 Sleeping Beauty
54 Fresh Air
55 Rattling the Cage
56 Justice Denied
57 The Beginning of the End
58 Curse of the Survivor
59 Access Acquired
60 The Hotel Tomorrow
61 Wake-Up Call
62 An Ill Wind
63 Triple Trouble
64 Wind Resistance
65 Hard as a Rock
66 Fiery Embrace
67 Counterattack
68 All for One
69 Triumvirate
70 The Face of Death
71 Fire and Ice
72 Death Sentence
73 Bloodhawk Reborn
74 Deep Freeze
75 Fall of the Hero
76 No Mercy
77 The Genocide Option
78 Second Thoughts
79 Final Countdown
80 Retribution
81 Last Rites
82 Race Against Time
83 The Plague Carriers
84 The Hands of Fate
85 Tomorrow’s End
86 Paradise Lost
87 Death of a Dream
88 Mirage
89 A Dream Worth Having
90 Checklist
1 card, 500 produced.

Greg Hildebrandt, Tim Hildebrandt – The Oasis
9 cards, 1:12 packs.

1 Shakti
2 Bloodhawk
3 Luna
4 Skullfire
5 The Architect
6 Lokjaw
7 Memphis
8 Pandora
9 Triumverate
Bonus Card
1 cards, 1 per box as a box loader.

X-Men 2099
Promo Cards

X-Men 2099 by the Brothers Hildebrandt