The movie might suck (except for the brutally honest director’s commentary on the DVD), but 1997 Fleer/SkyBox Batman and Robin Widevision is a fantastic set of trading cards. Part of that’s because you don’t have to listen to any of the horrible dialogue said out lout. But, oh that autograph checklist. It’s one of the best ever put in set of trading cards.
George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, Alicia Silverstone, Chris O’Donnell, Joel Schumacher — there are only six signers, the least of which would be solid in most releases today. Back in 1997, it was five A-listers and one of the industry’s most marketable directors.
Inserted 1:720 hobby packs, autographs have never been in large supply. But that rarity helps fuel their long-term appeal as well.
The base set is a relatively small 70 cards. Of that, only 35 are dedicated to recapping the story. That should’ve been a telltale sign of the plot’s quality right there. The next 34 cards are “Soundbites,” highlighting lines.
Storyboards are the most common inserts, landing one per pack. These breakdown four different sequences, each getting six cards.
Profiles (12 cards, 1:3 packs) look at different characters.
For those looking to hang something on their walls, five Mini Posters (1:6) offer an even bigger take on the film’s leads.
Celluloid Action cards have film cels embedded in them.
The “Widevision” in 1997 Fleer/SkyBox Batman and Robin Widevision comes from the over-sized format every card in the release has, similar to Topps’ Star Wars Widevision cards and several sports card releases over the years.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox Batman and Robin Widevision Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8 (hobby), 11 (jumbo)
Packs per box: 18
Shop for 1997 Fleer/SkyBox Batman and Robin Widevision boxes on eBay.
Base Set
70 cards.

1 A New Battle Begins
2 Call to Arms
3 Cold-Hearted Thief
4 Crashing the Scene
5 Heist Hockey
6 Face-off to Lift-Off
7 A Venomous Relationship
8 A Tragic Genesis
9 A Monstrous Partner
10 Surprise Visit
11 Taking the Bait
12 Man in the Spotlight
13 Gorilla My Dreams
14 A Mesmerizing Beauty
15 Dueling Passions
16 Winter on Wheels
17 Cold Encounters
18 Nice Try, Vine Lady
19 A Change of Plans
20 Pulling Rank
21 Capture and Control
22 Mr. Freeze On Ice
23 The Cold Hard Facts
24 House Hunting
25 Midnight Madness
26 Sis to the Rescue
27 Let’s Make a Deal
28 Cruel Manipulations
29 Planning an Ice Age
30 Adam and Evil
31 Sending Clear Signals
32 The Real Party Begins
33 Sweet, Sweet Poison
34 Battle of Titans
35 Global Warming
36 Batman – Soundbite
37 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
38 Robin – Soundbite
39 Robin – Soundbite
40 Batman – Soundbite
41 Pamela Isley – Soundbite
42 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
43 Robin – Soundbite
44 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
45 Robin – Soundbite
46 Bruce – Soundbite
47 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
48 Dick – Soundbite
49 Julie & Bruce – Soundbite
50 Robin – Soundbite
51 Ivy – Soundbite
52 Poison Ivy – Soundbite
53 Batman – Soundbite
54 Poison Ivy – Soundbite
55 Bruce – Soundbite
56 Poison Ivy – Soundbite
57 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
58 Batgirl – Soundbite
59 Batman – Soundbite
60 Mr. Freeze – Soundbite
61 Batgirl – Soundbite
62 Poison Ivy – Soundbite
63 Batman – Soundbite
64 Alfred – Soundbite
65 Posion Ivy – Soundbite
66 Batman – Soundbite
67 Alfred – Soundbite
68 Batman – Soundbite
69 Batman – Soundbite
70 Checklist
6 cards, 1:720 packs.

George Clooney as Batman
Chris O’Donnell as Robin
Joel Schumacher – Director
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze
Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl
Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy
Celluloid Action
6 cards, 1:24 packs.

1 Batman and Robin
2 Freezemobile
3 Poison Ivy
4 Batgirl
5 Bane
6 Batman
Mini Posters
5 cards, 1:6 packs.

Mr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
12 cards, 1:3 packs.

P1 Batman
P2 Batman
P3 Batman
P4 Mr. Freeze
P5 Mr. Freeze
P6 Mr. Freeze
P7 Robin
P8 Robin
P9 Poison Ivy
P10 Poison Ivy
P11 Batgirl
P12 Bane
Storyboard Cards
24 cards, 1 per pack.

S1 Vaulting Over Ice
S2 Vaulting Over Ice
S3 Vaulting Over Ice
S4 Vaulting Over Ice
S5 Vaulting Over Ice
S6 Vaulting Over Ice
S7 Battle on the Ice
S8 Battle on the Ice
S9 Battle on the Ice
S10 Battle on the Ice
S11 Battle on the Ice
S12 Battle on the Ice
S13 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S14 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S15 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S16 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S17 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S18 Escape from Arkham Asylum
S19 Doomed to Thaw
S20 Doomed to Thaw
S21 Doomed to Thaw
S22 Doomed to Thaw
S23 Doomed to Thaw
S24 Doomed to Thaw
Kenner Toys
4 cards.

K1 Blast Wing Batman
K2 Glacier Battle Robin
K3 Ice Terror Mr. Freeze
K4 Rooftop Pursuit Batman
Promo Cards

Batman and Robin
Batman and Mr. Freeze (two-card panel) – K-Mart