Fleer Ultra might have the fancy set of the Power Rangers’ big screen debut, but 1995 Jell-O Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie trading cards came with the tastier treats.
Consisting of eight cards, they were part of a promotion that saw cards attached to specially marked Jell-O boxes. But not just any flavors. Kraft went all in with some special edition Ranger-centric spins. It wasn’t just Strawberry. It was Red Ranger Wild Strawberry. Blackberry became Black Ranger Berry Black. Pink Ranger Watermelon and Blue Ranger Berry Blue were also among the flavors.
Although connected to the Power Rangers movie, cards go with illustrated fronts, giving them more of a comic field. All six Power Rangers, including the White Ranger, are featured. There’s also the Ninja Megazord and one card for Ivan Ooze, the film’s villain.
Backs take a list approach to the character’s vitals, headlined by their name. Powers, zords and vehicles are among the trivia tidbits provided.
Cards came attached to the boxes but could be removed without cutting thanks to perforated edges. However, it was on a tab inside the box so cards weren’t visible without opening it.
This makes for a few ways to approach the set. Of course, there are single cards. Many boxes were kept with the card still attached but opened up and flattened. Sealed boxes of decades-old Jell-O still exist as well.
Although it’s likely that a ton of cards were made for the promotion, building a 1995 Jell-O Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie set isn’t that easy today. Singles aren’t overly expensive but finding them in any sort of bulk in search of deals is tough.
1995 Jell-O Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 8
Cards per box: 1
Base Set Checklist
8 cards.
Adam / Black Ranger
Aisha / Yellow Ranger
Billy / Blue Ranger
Ivan Ooze
Kimberly / Pink Ranger
Ninja Megazord
Rocky / Red Ranger
Tommy / White Ranger