1995 Graffiti GoldenEye marks the first set of James Bond trading cards to coincide with a film’s original release since Topps’ Moonraker set back in 1979. While it isn’t the first in the franchise to use inset cards, it could be argued that GoldenEye was the first to truly embrace them.
1995 Graffiti GoldenEye Checklist Details
The 90-card base set focuses mainly on recapping the seventeenth film in the James Bond series and first to star Pierce Brosnan as the iconic spy. The end of the checklist shifts to character profiles.
Fronts are kept simple with a full-bleed image and a 007 logo. Backs include a matching write-up worked into a layout that works in a promotional banner, multiple target icons and a fair bit of white space.
The 1995 Graffiti GoldenEye checklist has three insert sets, two of which are puzzles.
The Composite Puzzle set has nine cards, evoking classic letter stickers like those found in 1967 Topps Nutty Initials and 1980 Topps Empire Strikes Back. A complete set spells, “Bond. James Bond.” Odds on these are 1:11 packs.
The second puzzle, 007 GoldenEye, is significantly smaller with just three cards. However, at 1:35 packs, they’re tougher to pull. These make the 007 logo.
Finally, there’s six Gadgets of Q cards (1:17 packs). Using a blueprint look on the front, the focus of these shifts to the film’s weapons and other spy tools.
If you look at the checklist and notice that it’s striking similar in its structure to a lot of Inkworks sets, there’s a reason for that. Graffiti evolved into Inkworks, which is even noted on one of GoldenEye’s promo cards.
1995 Graffiti GoldenEye Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1995 Graffiti GoldenEye boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 James Bond Is Back!
2 Silent Invasion
3 Captured!
4 For England, James
5 A Desperate Escape
6 Plane Chase
7 Nine Years Later
8 Femme Fatale
9 Playground Of The Rich
10 High Stakes Player
11 Place Your Bet
12 Smooth Operators
13 On The Lookout
14 Onatopp’s Scheme
15 The Coveted Prize
16 Stealing Identities
17 Mis-Apprehension
18 A Brilliant Hack
19 Unscheduled Guests
20 The Golden “Eye”
21 Target: Severnaya
22 Witness To A Massacre
23 Countdown To Destruction
24 Caught Red-Handed
25 Disaster In The Air
26 Detonation
27 Electric Inferno
28 Help From Above
29 Nothing Left
30 Rumor Confirmed
31 Key Survivor
32 Bond’s Mission
33 Department Of Gadgetry
34 Q Demonstrates
35 But Wait, There’s More!
37 Food For Thought
38 Contact Established
39 Setup
40 Predator And Prey
41 A Two-Faced Janus
42 Death By Tiger
43 Arrested And Interrogated
44 Run For Your Life
45 A Major Breakthrough
46 Surrounded
47 The Chase Is On
48 All Washed Up
49 Free Drinks!
50 Artistic Pursuit
51 New Transportation
52 Spoils To The Victor
53 Making A Stand
54 Tracking Through Cyberspace
55 Sudden Impact
56 Caribbean Stopover
57 Bound For Cuba
58 Coping With Betrayal
59 Emotional Support
60 Rough Landing
61 Xenia Strikes
62 Natalya Intervenes
63 The Final Squeeze
64 Mission Control
65 Beneath Placid Waters
66 Bringing MISCHA On-Line
67 Racing Against Time
68 One Plan Spoiled
69 Worldwide Melt-down
70 Click, Click, Click …
71 Go Ahead, Shoot Him
72 Ballpoint Blast
73 Trouble On The Way
74 Buying Time
75 Locked In Combat
76 Down To The Wire
77 Just Deserts
78 Death By Computer
79 To The Rescue…?
80 What Could Go Wrong?
81 James Bond, Agent 007
82 Natalya Fyodorovna Simonoff
83 Xenia Sergeyevna Onatopp
84 Q
85 M
86 Miss Moneypenny
87 Boris Ivanovich Grishenko
88 Alec Trevelyan, Agent 006
89 General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov
90 Checklist
007 GoldenEye Checklist
3 cards.
1:35 packs.

JB1 The Name Is Bond. James Bond.
JB2 Ladies First.
JB3 Always Call Their Bluff.
Composite Puzzle Checklist
9 cards.
1:11 packs.

Gadgets of Q Checklist
6 cards.
1:17 packs.

Q1 Laser Beam Wristwatch
Q2 Grappling Hook Belt
Q3 Class 4 Grenade Pen
Q4 Walther PPK Handgun
Q5 Piton Gun
Q6 BMW Roadster
Promo Cards Checklist

Natalya / James Bond / Xenia – Bond Is Back
Natalya / James Bond / Xenia – Graffiti Becomes Inkworks #/500