Reboot might not be big with the kids today but it still has its place in ’90s television history. One of the earliest computer-generated animated series, it had a groundbreaking look. It also brought trading cards in the form of 1995 Fleer Ultra Reboot.
Fleer’s premium line at the time, Ultra products typically mean things like glossy cards, foil highlights and some nifty inserts. Although it was primarily a sports brand, Fleer did several Ultra sets for mid-’90s entertainment properties including Batman Forever, the live-action Casper film, Beavis and Butthead and Skeleton Warriors.
1995 Fleer Ultra Reboot Checklist Overview
At 150 cards, the base set is on the large side compared what a lot of other animated shows get. Rather than basic recaps, the checklist breaks down into several subsets starting with characters. From there, it moves onto several character- and moment-based sections. It gives things a thematic feel instead of going into story mode.
Three insert sets each use a different type of technology.
Game Players Chromium has ten cards with one land every six packs. It’s more character-driven content, this time placing them in the games within the Mainframe.
Acetate is the highlight of Suspended Animation, a set that carried over to several other Fleer licenses. Like Game Players, there are ten cards and 1:6 pack odds.
HoloBlast (five cards, 1:9 packs) is the final insert set available in 1995 Fleer Ultra Reboot packs. Holograms are the main feature on these, although standard images are integrated onto the card fronts as well.
While Reboot still has its fans, it’s more underground today in its appeal. As a result, trading card prices remain reasonable in all forms. Supply doesn’t look to be an issue, either.
1995 Fleer Ultra Reboot Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay and check current market values.
Set size: 150 cards
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1995 Fleer Ultra Reboot boxes on eBay.
Base Set
150 cards.
Buy on eBay:

Key Players
1 Dot Matrix
2 Bob
3 Enzo
4 Megabyte
5 Hexadecimal
6 Frisket
7 Phong
8 Cecil
9 Hack
10 Slash
Data File
11 Data File: Dot
12 Data File: Bob
13 Data File: Enzo
14 Data File: Megabyte
15 Data File: Hexy
16 Data File: Hack and Slash
17 Data File: Phong
18 Data File: Frisket
The Guardian
19 Bob Wants You
20 A Job for Glitch
21 Watchful Eyes
22 Hard Driver
23 Software Scare
24 Surge Protector
25 Mission Man
26 Disarmed Guardian
27 On the Hunt
28 Head Case
29 Pumped Up
30 Wicked Window
31 The Prize
32 Mega Threat
33 Evil Looks On
34 Powering Up
35 Mega Tear
36 Evil Clutches
Love That Dot
37 Cover Girl
38 File Manager
39 Dot – The Eyes
40 Dot’s Crew
41 Not Again!
42 Compu-Boss
43 Picnic Pause
44 Body Copy
45 Bombshell
Mischief Maker
46 Delivery Boy
47 Puppy Love
48 Turbo Yo Yo
49 Thrill Ride
50 Hyper Activity
51 En Guarde!
52 Enzo Reboots
53 I’m Not Basic!
54 Bad Boy
Queen of Chaos
55 Hexadecimal
56 Mistress of Mayhem
57 Lost Angeles Lady
58 Her Majesty
59 Crocodile Tears
60 Struttin’ Her Stuff
61 Terminal Tease
62 Personality Shift
63 Fiendish Footprint
Bit Parts
64 Mike
65 Scuzzy
66 Binomes
67 Dino DeHorrendous
68 Captain Capacitor
69 Mr. Christopher
70 Princess Bula
71 Software Pirate
72 Mouse
73 Lt. Chauncey
74 Stripe
75 Rasta Mon
Reboot Games
76 Danger Ahead
77 Formula 1
78 Battle to the Bone
79 Armor Pile
80 Lady Enzo
81 Armor Clad Bob
82 Bone Warrior
83 Heavy Metal
84 Dot Patrol
85 Command Leader
86 Corrupt File
87 Hunting the User
88 System Bug
89 Quick Draw
90 Retro Dot
91 Nice Catch!
92 Dot’s Magic
93 Sneak Peek
94 TV Warrior
95 Elfin Magic
96 Skullipede
97 System Spiker
98 Fu Man Chooser
99 Macao Monster
100 Knightmare
101 Super Freak
102 Triple Teamed
103 Mega Flop
104 Biker Babe
Program Blips
105 Power Band
106 Hex Marks the Spot
107 Prize Possession
108 Elbow Room
109 The Chase Is On
110 Nose Job
111 Sitting Pretty Evil
112 Back Seat Driver
113 Sisterly Advice
114 Reigning Champs
115 Port of Call
116 Heavenly Hologram
117 Motherly Advice
118 Cyber Romance
119 Megabyte’s Grasp
120 Glitch Cutter
121 Dancing Queen
122 Stun Sabre
123 Dog Chow
124 Hex’s Clutches
125 Dead End
126 Hi Ho Frisket
127 Friendly Foes
128 Cliff Hanger
129 Admiral Matrix
130 Holo-Dot
131 System Bomb
132 Software Package
133 Enzo Captured
134 Fetch Format
135 Stone Cold Mean
136 Power Struggle
137 Terrible Twosome
138 Serious Interfacing
139 Best Face Forward
140 Bogey Man
141 Decimal’s Point
142 Playing Catch
143 Head to Head
144 Mega Mission
145 Binome Squad
146 Late Night with Mike
147 Face to Face
148 The Getaway
149 Checklist 1
150 Checklist 2
Game Players Chromium
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Circuit Racer
2 Interstellar Virus
3 Cosmic Captain
4 Damsel in Distress
5 Space Cop
6 Floppy Driver
7 Track Baller
8 Rocket Attack
9 Sir Bob
10 Armed Guardian
5 cards.
1:9 packs.

1 Enzo and Megabyte
2 Megabyte and Hexadecimal
3 Hexadecimal and Bob
4 Bob and Dot
5 Dot and Enzo
Suspended Animation
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Dot
2 Bob
3 Enzo
4 Megabyte
5 Hack
6 Hexadecimal
7 Frisket
8 Phong
9 Slash
10 Cecil and Mike
5 cards.
Measure 6 1/2″ x 10″.
Distributed as case toppers.

Dot’s Magic
Evil Clutches
Puppy Love
Terminal Tease
Promo Cards

Dot Patrol
9-Card Sheet Dot Matrix / Enzo Reboots / Glitch Cutter / Frisket / Hexadecimal / Megabyte’s Grasp / Compu-Boss / Dragon Chase