1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 is the followup to the popular release from the previous year. The look and feel is almost exactly the same, but that’s not a bad thing when the focus is on Star Wars art.
1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Checklist Details
The base set has 135 cards, which is down slightly from the original’s 140. The art for about the first half of the set comes from several areas including Ralph McQuarrie sketches, comics, posters, merchandise and other production art. It’s an inside look into the vast Star Wars Universe and its many facets.
The second half of the base set is new artwork under the title “New Visions 2.” These cards let artists loose with different styles and takes on characters.
Another six-card set of Etched Foil cards is the primary chase element in 1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 2. Once again, they fit together to form a puzzle.
Redemptions for an artist autograph were included in packs. These were good for a randomly selected card, which isn’t any different than a base card with the signature. That makes differentiating one sent by Topps through the product virtually impossible to tell from one signed at a convention or through the mail.
A factory tin set came with both the base set and the Etched Foil inserts. Some exclusive cards were also included. The base set is a little different, coming with a foil stamp. The inserts have more of a patterened background to them, making them noticably different from the pack-inserted cards. A Hologram of R2-D2 and C-3P0 is also included in the tin set.
The Infamous P3 Yoda Promo Card
1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 has one of the most notorious cards ever created for the franchise. Promo card P3 pictures Yoda worshiping other “Yodas.” While some got out, the card was cancelled, instantly creating one of the most coveted Star Wars trading cards of all-time. The card was later reprinted as a part of 2009 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 4. There was both a basic reprint that came serial numbered and an autographed version signed by artist John Rheaume. The original P3 card still commands big prices on the secondary market.
1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1994 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
135 cards.
141 Title Card
142 Ralph McQuarrie
143 A Giant Swamp Slug
144 Imperial Walkers
145 High Over Bespin
146 The Entertainment
147 The Imperial Palace
148 Santa Yoda
149 Marvel Comics
150 Marvel’s Series
151 War in the Ice
152 Luke Patrols
153 Danger! Ugnaughts
154 The Duel Begins
155 Blasting Their Way
156 Marvel’s Return of the Jedi
157 Lumiya, a Half-Human
158 Darth Vader’s
159 Ulic Qel-Droma
160 Pirate Captain
161 Dark Empire
162 World Devastators
163 Princess Leia
164 Emperor Palpatine
165 As Luke Fights
166 Boris Vallejo
167 Ken Barr
168 Michael Whelan
169 Melanie Taylor Kent
170 George Gaadt
171 Basil Gogos
172 Scott Gustafson
173 Sir Alec Guinness
174 Tony Auth
175 Todd Andrews
176 Michael David Ward
177 Morgan Weistling
178 Joe Johnston
179 Nilo Rodis-Jamero
180 Ewok Break Time
181 John Mollo
182 Creatures Galore
183 A Speeder Bike Pilot
184 Assorted Aliens
185 Although the Ewoks
186 The Star Wars Holiday
187 Imperial City on
188 Kazuhko Sand
189 The Characters from Return of the Jedi
190 A More Stylized
191 The Star Wars Concert
192 Luke Surveys All
193 Vader Is the Death Star
194 Where’s Luke?
195 Telling a Story
196 Merchandising
197 A Tatooine Skiff
198 The A-Wing Fighter
199 Boba Fett
200 Anakin Skywalker
201 Pinball Wizards
202 Star Wars Trilogy
203 Gene Lemery
204 Bill Schmidt
205 Michael Allred
206 Karl Altstaetter
207 Thom Ang
208 Sergio Aragones
209 Marshall Arisman
210 Dan Barry
211 John Bolton
212 Tim Bradstreet
213 Daniel Brereton
214 Ron Brown
215 Frank Brunner
216 Rich Buckler
217 Greg Capullo
218 Amanda Conner
219 Ricardo Delgado
220 Joe DeVito
221 Colleen Doran
222 Norm Dwyer
223 Bob Fingerman
224 High Fleming
225 Franchesco
226 Drew Friedman
227 Rick Geary
228 Dave Gibbons
229 Mike Grell
230 Rebecca Guay
231 Lurene Haines
232 Matt Haley
233 Cully Hamner
234 Rich Hedden
235 Dave Hoover
236 Janine Johnston
237 Jeffrey Jones
238 Kelley Jones
239 Miran Kim
240 Jack Kirby
241 Ray Lago
242 Zohar Lazar
243 Jae Lee
244 Paul Lee
245 John Paul Lona
246 David Lowery
247 Shawn C. Martinbrough
248 Mike Mayhew
249 Walter McDaniel
250 Mike McMahon
251 Linda Medley
252 David O. Miller
253 C. Scott Morse
254 Nelson
255 Hoang Nguyen
256 Kevin O’Neill
257 Mark Pacella
258 Jimmy Palmiotti
259 Jason Pearson
260 Brandon Peterson
261 Joe Phillips
262 Whilce Portacio
263 Ralph Reese
264 Zina Saunders
265 Chris Sprouse
266 Jim Starlin
267 Arthur Suydam
268 Sylvain
269 Tom Taggart
270 Jill Thompson
271 Tim Truman
272 Keith Tucker
273 Jeff Watts
274 Mike Zeck
275 Checklist
Foil Parallel
135 cards. Base cards in factory tin set come with foil stamp on front.

Distributed at random via redemption. They are base cards signed by the featured artist.

Etched Foil
6 cards, 1:18 packs.

7 Grand Moff Tarkin
8 Stormtroopers
9 The Emperor
10 Boba Fett
11 Jabba the Hutt
12 Oola
1 cards, included with factory tin set.

C-3PO and R2-D2
Prism Foil
6 cards, 1 set per factory tin set.

7 Grand Moff Tarkin
8 Stormtroopers
9 The Emperor
10 Boba Fett
11 Jabba the Hutt
12 Oola
Promo Cards
When applicable, matching base card images are noted.

Ewoks, Stormtroopers (#266) – Triton Magazine
Tusken Raiders (#271)
00 Darth Vader by Ralph McQuarrie – Factory Set
P1 Rancor (#243) – Dealers
P1 Rancor (#243) 5×7
P2 Luke Skywalker (#265) – Non-Sport Update
P3 Yoda Shrine (scarce)
P4 C-3PO, Jawas (#228) – Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 Factory Set
P5 Han Solo, Chewbacca (#261) – Cards Illustrated
P6 Boba Fett (#269) – Hero Magazine