It’s not very often than a nearly 60-year-old film gets back-to-back trading card releases. But 1994 SkyBox Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Series 2 does just that.
Part of the card maker’s aggressive and expansive go with the Disney license in the mid-1990s, it’s not a complicated release.
The base set has 90 cards. The first 60 touch upon story moments and memorable quotes. The bottom part of the checklist includes characters trivia and activity cards. Because the numbering resets, the easiest way to tell the difference between this set and 1993’s Series 1 (besides having a checklist handy) is the primary color on the back of the story cards. Here, they’re blue. In Series 1, they’re red.
The only inserts in 1994 SkyBox Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Series 2 are nine Foil Embossed cards. These land approximately two per hobby box.
1994 SkyBox Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Series 2 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36 (hobby), 12 (retail)
Shop for 1994 SkyBox Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Series 2 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 The Tale Begins …
2 Forced to Toil
3 Fair Snow White
4 A Wish of Live
5 The Prince Appears
6 Message of Love
7 The Queen’s Fury
8 Deadly Command
9 Into the Forest
10 Obeying Orders
11 The Princess Flees
12 The Dark Forest
13 Unable to Go On
14 A Place to Stay
15 A Sweet Little Cottage
16 A Peek Inside
17 “May I Come In?”
18 “Seven Little Children.”
19 Dirty Dishes
20 No Mother?
21 “We’ll Clean the House”
22 The Cottage Sparkles
23 Seven Little Beds
24 The Seven Dwarfs
25 Teamwork
26 A Surprise
27 Time to Go
28 “Trouble brewin’.”
29 The Whole Place Is Clean
30 “It’s Up There.”
31 “I-i-i-i-it’s a Girl!”
32 “Let Me Stay.”
33 Time to Wash
34 Surprise Scrubbing
35 Bubbles by the Hundred!
36 Still the Fairest
37 A Magic Potion
38 The Queen Is Now a Witch!
39 The Witch’s Apple
40 A Dark Boat Ride
41 Joyous Song and Dance
42 Dopey and Snow White
43 A Princess’ Story
44 Time for Bed
45 Doc’s Warning
46 “Have a Bite”
47 Sensing Danger
48 The Witch Enters
49 “We’ve Got to Save Her!”
50 Wishing Apple
51 The Princess Falls
52 Racing to Save Snow White
53 The Chase
54 The Dwarfs Move In
55 Grumpy’s Warning
56 To Her Death
57 Grieving Hearts
58 Love’s First Kiss
59 The Spell Is Broken
60 Happily Ever After
61 Checklist A
62 Checklist B
63 Snow White
64 The Prince
65 Wicked Queen
66 Dopey
67 Sleepy
68 Doc
69 Happy
70 Sneezy
71 Grumpy
72 Bashful
73 What Famous Authors…
74 What Are the Six Ingredients…
75 Which Dwarf…
76 How Does the Wicked Queen…
77 What Kind of Pies…
78 According to the Queen’s Spell…
79 Which Two Dwarfs Are Voiced…
80 What 1939 Film…
81 What Was So Unusual…
82 Find the Way to the Castle
83 Connect the Dots
84 Answer the Questions
85 Who Am I?
86 Circle the Names
87 Connect the Dots
88 Crossword Puzzle
89 Answers 1
90 Answers 2
Foil Embossed
9 cards, 1:18 packs.

F1 Snow White
F2 Bashful
F3 Doc
F4 Dopey
F5 Grumpy
F6 Happy
F7 Sleepy
F8 Sneezy
F9 Queen
Promo Cards

S1 Snow White and Dopey