Early sets of Power Rangers trading cards were kind of confusing with similar but different versions available at hobby, general retail and Walmart. For the most part, things are almost the same with each having a slightly altered design and mix of inserts. For 1994 Collect-A-Card Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Warlmart, things went beyond just cards and brought forth another 1990s phenomenon — pogs.
1994 Collect-A-Card Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Walmart Checklist Details
Split between two evenly split series, the full set has 144 base cards. Early moments from the TV show are mixed with more character-focused cards. And it’s not just the Power Rangers and their teenage Angel Grove alter egos. The bullies of buffoonery, Bulk and Skull, are among the others that are part of the checklist.
Collect-A-Card did not do collectors any favors with their various releases for their first Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers trading cards. Series 1 has hobby and Walmart versions that have identical base sets except for the border gradients. Series 2 is even more tricky with hobby, Walmart and general retail versions.
Here’s a look at each of them so you can tell the difference:
Series 1
Series 2
Each of the two series of 1994 Collect-A-Card Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Walmart has their own exclusive inserts. Well, at least additional elements. For Series 1, there are 12 Power Foil cards with one in every pack. Series 2 packs have Power Caps, which is really just another name for pogs. Although there are 50 in the set, they’re also the same as what’s found in a separate Power Caps product.
As far as the different base sets go for hobby, retail and Walmart, none commands a premium value. Some collectors may even choose to simply have one card to represent each number. But each set is distinct in its own way.
1994 Collect-A-Card Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Walmart Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 144 cards
Cards per pack: Series 1 – 7, Series 2 – 5 + 1 cap
Packs per box: Series 1 – 100, Series 2 – 100
Shop for 1994 Collect-A-Card Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Walmart boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
144 cards (Series 1 – #1-72, Series 2 – #73-144).
Buy on eBay:
Series 1
1 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
2 Good Friends
3 Summoned By Zordon
4 Zordon’s Proposal
5 Zordon
6 Alpha 5
7 Rita Repulsa
8 Power Morphers
9 Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur
10 Triceratops Dinosaur
11 Pterodactyl
12 Mammouth Mastodon
13 Sabertooth Tiger
14 Strange Surroundings
15 Attack Of The Putties
16 Karate Kick
17 Time To Morph
18 A Mighty Force
19 Secret Communicator
20 Jason
21 Billy
22 Zack
23 Kimberly
24 Trini
25 The Red Ranger
26 The Blue Ranger
27 The Pink Ranger
28 The Yellow Ranger
29 The Black Ranger
30 Bulk and Skull
31 The Juice Bar
32 Finster
33 Squatt
34 Baboo
35 Goldar
36 Billy’s Garage
37 The Putty Patrol
38 Putty Trouble
39 Chunky Chicken
40 On Guard
41 Fried Chicken
42 School Principal
43 Rita Attacks
44 Tommy
45 The Green Ranger
46 Good Vs. Evil
47 Welcome Aboard
48 Eyeguy
49 Rescue Time
50 Karate Chop
51 Battle Bike
52 Pie Fight
53 Jason Vs. Goldar
54 Putty Clown
55 Pudgy Pig
56 Snizzard Lips
57 Battle Action
58 Mud Bath
59 Shellshock
60 Pig Fight
61 Zordon’s Briefing
62 Gnarly Gnome
63 Ticklesneezer
64 Troll Thief
65 Searching For Clues
66 Zack & Billy
67 A Great Group
68 The Rad Bug
69 In Trouble Again
70 Bulk The Dancer
71 Power Force
72 Checklist
Series 2
73 Field Trip
74 Rope Climb
75 Miss Appleby
76 Quagmire
77 Teamwork
78 Gung Ho
79 Goldar
80 Bulk & Skull
81 Jason
82 Zack
83 Kimberly
84 Billy
85 Trini
86 Frankenstein
87 Monster Chase
88 Costume Party
89 Zack & Trini
90 Super Putties
91 Genius At Work
92 Surrounded
93 Clay Monster
94 Hobby Week
95 Crisis Situation
96 The Green Ranger
97 Swivel Hips
98 Power Rangers Day
99 Break Time
100 Ay, Yi, Yi
101 Power Punch
102 Squatt
103 Terror Toad
104 Rescue Time
105 Under Rita’s Spell
106 Human Whipsaw
107 Go Go Power Rangers
108 Ninja Finals
109 Trouble Makers
110 Space Exploration
111 Rita’s View
112 Command Center
113 Rita’s Prison
114 Baboo
115 Giant Goldar
116 Zordon
117 The Red Ranger
118 The Yellow Ranger
119 The Black Ranger
120 The Pink Ranger
121 The Blue Ranger
122 The Green Ranger
123 Surprise Party
124 Flying Ranger
125 Power Block
126 Trick Or Treat
127 Emergency Briefing
128 Game Show
129 Lunchtime
130 Decision Time
131 Left In The Dust
132 Vanna Elvira
133 Madame Woe
134 Outnumbered
135 Unbeatable
136 Slippery Shark
137 Surprise Encounter
138 Pumpkin Points
139 Food Fight
140 Good Work
141 Trapped
142 The Rad Bug
143 Super Heroes
144 Checklist
Power Caps Checklist
50 pogs.
1 per Series 2 pack.
Also available as part of a separate Power Caps product.

1 Taking a Break
2 Rita Repulsa
3 Time to Morph
4 Ready for Action
5 Jason
6 Zack
7 Kimberly
8 Trini
9 Billy
10 Bulk
11 Skull
12 Principal
13 Command Center
14 Globe
15 Secret Communicators
16 Red Ranger
17 Yellow Ranger
18 Blue Ranger
19 Black Ranger
20 Pink Ranger
21 Green Ranger
22 Tommy
23 Putty Patrol
24 Squatt & Ticklesneezer
25 Finster
26 Goldar
27 Squatt
28 Eyeguy
29 Pudgy Pig
30 Chunky Chicken
31 Shellshock
32 Gnarly Gnome
33 King Spinx
34 Baboo
35 On Guard
36 Power Block
37 Goldar
38 Battle Bikes
39 Rita Repulsa
40 Megazord
41 Battling Spinx
42 Battle Action
43 Tyrannosaurus Dinozord
44 Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord
45 Mastodon Dinozord
46 Triceratops Dinozord
47 Pterodactyl Dinozord
48 Mega Power
49 Ernie
50 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Power Foils Checklist
12 cards.
1 per Series 1 pack.

1 Rita Repulsa
2 Goldar
3 Squatt
4 Baboo
5 King Sphinx
6 Megazord
7 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
8 Tyrannosaurus Dinozord
9 Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord
10 Mammoth Mastodon Dinozord
11 Triceratops Dinozord
12 Pterodactyl Dinozord