1993 Topps Jurassic Park trading cards arrived at a time when the hobby was at a crossroads. More and more sets were adding chase elements to make them more enticing. This set has that to a certain extent, but not much. And while it’s not particularly valuable or hard to find now, it does a great job of capturing the dino-magic that helped make the film so breathtaking.
The 1993 Topps Jurassic Park base set has 88 cards. A plot synopsis, character cards, dinosaurs and behind-the-scenes action all find their way onto the checklist.
As customary with virtually all Topps movie and TV sets that came before it, Jurassic Park has a sticker in every pack. These center almost exclusively on the film’s dinosaurs.
The chase element comes in the form of four holograms. That said, they are pretty easy to find. Combine that with a small number to collect and a master set all of a sudden is attainable for not a lot of money. It does get a little tricky if you’re a completist. All four of the Jurassic Park holograms can be found with four different numbers on the back. Most consider a complete set to have holograms of four different dinosaurs.
Pack-inserted holograms have a silver finish. The fourth issue of the Jurassic Park comic, also printed by Topps, has parallel versions done with an amber finish.
The holograms were used in the follow-up Series 2.
This is the first of three sets of Jurassic Park trading cards Topps made for the first movie. In addition to this, there was Series 2 and Jurassic Park Gold. Topps also made a set of cards for the sequel, The Lost World.
1993 Topps Jurassic Park Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 9
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1993 Topps Jurassic Park boxes on eBay.
Base Set
88 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Welcome to Jurassic Park
3 Tyrannosaurus Rex
4 Dilophosaurus
5 Velociraptor
6 Gallimimus
7 Triceratops
8 Brachiosaurus
9 Visitor Center
10 Park Explorers
11 Control Room
12 Sattler
13 Hammond
14 Tim
15 Lex
16 Malcolm
17 Muldoon
18 Nedry
19 Grant
20 The Fury Within
21 Entombed by Time
22 The Paleontologists
23 To Endorse or Denounce
24 Hammond’s Dream
25 A Tour Through Time
26 The Hatchery
27 Raptor Hatchling
28 The Sick Triceratops
29 Cerry Harding
30 Fallen Behemoth
31 Tearing Through the Fence
32 Rex on the Rampage
33 King of the Dinosaurs
34 Stalking the Explorer
35 A Hungry Stare
36 Explorer Under Siege
37 Preparing to Pounce
38 Hell, Upside-Down
39 Gutting the Vehicle
40 Easy Prey
41 Distracting the Beast
42 Immobile and Invisible
43 Unexpected Onlooker
44 A Dilophosaur Drops By
45 Flared and Furious
46 Spitter Attack!
47 The Rescuers
48 Tree Toppers
49 Awakened by a Friend
50 Raptor Patrol
51 A Fence Too High
52 Jump, Tim, Jump!
53 Raptor in the Shed
54 Stalking Muldoon
55 The Mural Comes Alive
56 It Hungers
57 Hiding in the Kitchen
58 Tim and the Raptors
59 Distracted by Lex
60 Refrigerated Refuge
61 Invading the Control Room
62 Confronting the Horror
63 Predator on the Prowl
64 The Terror from Below
65 The Deadliest Dinosaur
66 A Long Climb to Freedom
67 The Raptors in Pursuit
68 No Escape
69 Rex vs. the Raptors
70 Survivors
71 The Novel by Michael Crichton
72 The Movie by Steven Spielberg
73 Elaborate Set Design
74 New Heights in Suspense
75 The Colossal T-Rex Prop
76 Biography
77 Tyrannosaurus Rex
78 Dilophosaur
79 Velociraptor
80 Gallimimus
81 Triceratops
82 Brachiosaurus
83 Parasaurolophus
84 Sleeping Tyrannosaurus
85 Raptor Hatchling
86 Raptor Babies
87 Raptor Attack
88 The Forest Primeval
11 cards, 1 per pack.

1 Tyrannosaurus Rex
2 Dilophosaur
3 Velociraptor
4 Gallimimus
5 Triceratops
6 Brachiosaur
7 Tyrannosaurus Rex
8 Velociraptor
9 Tyrannosaurus Rex
10 Velociraptor
11 Jurassic Park
4 cards, 1:18 packs.
Pack-inserted cards have a silver finish.
Each image can actually be found with any of the four numbers on the back.
Amber parallels were inserted in the Jurassic Park #4 issue by Topps.

1 Tyrannosaurus Rex
2 Dilophosaur
3 Hatching Velociraptor
4 Velociraptor
Promo Cards

Top Secret
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Arthur Adams Art)
Triceratops and Jeep (Nelson Art)
Over-Sized Top Secret/Triceratops and Jeep Panel