The 1993 Topps Jurassic Park Series 2 trading cards pick up right where the first set left off. A little smaller, it’s also a lot tougher to come by.
The base set has 64 cards. This is down significantly from the 88 cards found in Series 1. The checklist adds new story cards, however it’s the behind-the-scenes cards that make it stand out. These offer cards of director Steven Spielberg, special effects maestro Stan Winston and producer Kathleen Kennedy.
The design is largely the same except for a different color scheme around the borders. Captions have a pink bar while the outside is either bright blue or bright green.
Every pack of 1993 Topps Jurassic Park Series 2 comes with one of 11 stickers. They all focus on dinosaurs, several with corny puns. Sticker backs form a puzzle of a brachiosaurus eating leaves from a tall tree.
Holograms return, although they’re the same four as Series 1. These can be found with different numbers from the first set.
While Series 1 remains a fairly common set to locate as sets and in boxes, 1993 Topps Jurassic Park Series 2 is not. It’s actually fairly difficult to find. As a result, expect to pay a little more.
1993 Topps Jurassic Park Series 2 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 9
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1993 Topps Jurassic Park Series 2 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
64 cards. Numbering picks up from where Series 1 left off.

89 Title Card
92 Likeable But Lethal
93 A Fallen Friend
94 Up from Time’s Depths
95 First Sighting of a Brach
96 Monstrous Invader
97 Jurassic Predators
98 A Big Pile of !
99 Death in a Doorway
100 Night of the Spitter
101 The Gallimimus Stampede
102 Hunter and the Hunted
103 The Past Comes Alive
104 Cunning of the Creature
105 The Bracks at Midnight
106 A Dinosaur Down Below
107 The Mighty T-Rex
108 Dr. S Makes a Park Call
109 Monsters and the Mural
110 The Raptor’s Revenge
111 Majesty of Dinosaur Island
112 Scrambling for Safety
113 The T-Rex Gets Her Goat
114 Prowling for Prey
115 Man Against Dinosaur
116 Hide-and-Seek…For Real
117 A Scientist at Work
118 Ahead of Her Game
119 Seeking a Snack and a Half
120 Target: Muldoon
121 Friendly Giant
122 Terror of the T-Rex
123 Rex and the River Rafters
124 Rex’s Savage Assault
125 Raptors in Our Midst
26 Special FX Secrets
127 Spielberg, Kennedy and Friend
128 Winston’s Brachiosaur
129 Day of the Raptors
130 The Fantastic Rex Head
131 Ailing Triceratops Scene
132 King (Queen!) of the Dinos
133 Of Science and Saurians
134 The Master Director
135 Man-Made Monsters
136 Muldoon and the Raptors
137 Directing Dinos and Their Prey
138 Advice and Adjustments
139 Filming the Hatchery
140 Inside the Jaws of Death
141 Soothing the Savage Beast
142 The Director’s Director
143 Bringing Rex to Life
144 This Project Has Legs…
145 Massive Undertaking
146 Crichton’s Brainchild
147 More Than a Mere Monster
148 The Boy and the Beasts
149 More Monster Miracles
150 Lights! Camera! Dino-Action!
151 Bigger (and Nastier) Than Life
152 Cinema’s Greatest Showman
153 A Whale of a Tail
154 Another Walk in the Park!
11 cards, 1 per pack.

1 T-Rex Rampage
2 Teeth
3 Tyrannosaurus Rex
4 Raptor Eye
5 Caution Keep Windows Up!
6 Raptor7 Rap Attack!
8 Rap Pack
9 Jurassic Park Logo
10 Hatching Egg
11 Spitter!
4 cards, 1:18 packs.
Cards use the same images as Series 1.
1 Hatching Raptor
2 Dilophasaurus
3 Tyrannosaurus Rex
4 Velociraptor