Fine art was all the rage in 1993 when it came to trading cards of familiar properties. 1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series takes a similar approach as Marvel Masterpieces and Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy, focusing entirely on original pieces for the original series, The Next Generation and the then freshly launched Deep Space Nine. The end result isn’t a complex or even valuable set (there’s a lot of it out there), but it is beautiful.
1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series Checklist Details
The 90-card base set is divided into several thematic sections. Leading things off are 17 Portraits, offering detailed looks at key characters from the first two Star Trek shows. It’s actually somewhat similar to how Topps kicked off Star Wars Galaxy with their own run of character cards.
Other themes include aliens, space scenery, ships, technology and moments. The first six theatrical films each have their own card towards the end of the set as well.
The handful of artists who worked on 1993 SkyBox Star Wars Master Series all go for a realism approach, giving some consistency throughout the set.
While the images are the star, backs are interesting in their own right. Besides descriptions and light analysis of what’s pictured, many of the cards also include additional insights from the artists. This adds some more depth into the process behind the series.
1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series has just one set of inserts. Spectra, which has five cards, showcase different ships using foil. These land 1:18 packs, which typically translates to two per box.
While 1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series may be one of the most attractive sets of trading cards the franchise has ever produced, that hasn’t translated into values. A lot was printed, so much so that there are still lots of unopened boxes and even some cases available in addition to the plentiful sets and singles.
1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 6
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 10
Shop for 1993 SkyBox Star Trek Master Series boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Captain James T. Kirk
2 Commander Spock
3 Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy
4 Lieutenant Uhura
5 Lieutenant Commander Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
6 Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
7 Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov
8 Yeoman Janice Rand
9 Captain Jean-Luc Picard
10 Commander William T. Riker
11 Lieutenant Worf
12 Lt. Commander Data
13 Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge
14 Counselor Deanna Troi
15 Dr. Beverly Crusher
16 Ensign Wesley Crusher
17 Guinan
Ships and Technology
18 The U.S.S. Enterprise
19 An Armada Destroyed
20 Through the Eyes of the Enemy
21 U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
22 Ferengi Marauder
23 Docking at Deep Space Nine
24 The Probe
25 Excelsior Leaves Spacedock
26 U.S.S. Reliant
27 Ship’s Phasers
28 July 4, 2276
29 Deep Space Station K7
30 The Galileo II
31 Romulan Bird of Prey
32 Warp Drive
Star Trek Spacescapes
33 The Wormhole
34 Advanced Warp Drive
35 Romulan Warbird
36 Among the Cliffs of Vulcan
37 Yridian Spacecraft
38 Navigating the Asteroid Field
39 Evolution
40 Where No One Has Gone Before
41 Praxis Explodes
42 U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Star Trek Experiences
43 Battle with the Borg
44 Reaching Out to Picard
45 The Traveler
46 Reunion
47 The Nth Degree
48 The Best of the Best
49 The Menace of Q
50 Imzadi
51 Once Upon a Time …
52 The Case of the Errant Holodeck
53 Back from the Past
54 Enterprise vs. Bird of Prey
55 Fighting for Respect
56 Legacy of the Botany Bay
57 In the Mind of V’ger
58 Defending the Whales
59 The Doomsday Machine
60 History is Made
61 The Guardian of Forever
62 The Trouble with Tribbles
63 Sulu and the Samurai
64 The Vulcan Mind Meld
65 Unification
Star Trek Aliens
66 The Gorn
67 Martia the Shapeshifter
68 Space Anenome
69 The Ferengi
70 Orion Slave Girl
71 The Talosians
72 The Cardassians
73 Captain Klaa
74 The Bolians
75 The Borg
76 Alien Ambassador
77 The Cat Woman
78 A Questionable Character
79 Infinite Diversity
80 Batwing
81 The M113 Lifeform
82 Identity Crisis
83 Andorians
Theatrical Collection
84 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
85 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
86 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
87 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
88 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
89 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
90 Checklist
Spectra Checklist
5 cards.
1:18 packs.

S1 Docking at Deep Space Nine
S2 Romulan Warbird
S3 Navigating the Asteroid Field
S4 Enterprise vs. Birds of Prey
S5 The Doomsday Machine
Prototype Promo Cards Checklist

Excelsior Leaves Spacedock
Lieutenant Worf
Lieutenant Uhura