1993 Hostess SkyBox Star Trek: The Next Generation made grabbing a bag of ketchup chips even more fun for Canadians. The food-issue release is one of a handful of trading card sets found in specially marked chip bags north of the 49th that came out during the 1980s and early ’90s. Similar to 1991-92 Hostess SkyBox Basketball, the main focus here sees existing cards shrunken down and mixed in with chips.
1993 Hostess SkyBox Star Trek: The Next Generation Checklist Details
The main set has 50 cards with one included in each bag of chips that was part of the promotion. The design and layout match up with standard trading cards already released by SkyBox save for one big difference — they’re tiny.
Rather than the traditional 2.5″ by 3.5″ that’s standard today, these are a measly 1.25″ by 1.75″. So if you’re looking to read them, either grab someone you know with 20/20 vision to read them to you or have a magnifying glass handy.
The base set has two distinct sections. The Next Generation gets 38 cards highlighting characters, ships and technology. Deep Space Nine, which made its debut the same year as these cards, has ten character-based spot. Each show also has a checklist, bringing the total up to 50.
But that’s not all. There are also ten Fold-Out Posters. These all use several panels to achieve what their name sets out.
1993 Hostess SkyBox Star Trek: The Next Generation is still a fairly common set when you consider it’s an oddball food-issue release from Canada. They not as common as some other Star Trek sets from the era, but it shouldn’t take much hunting to find sets, singles or sizeable lots.
Also helping things is the fact that cards came wrapped in plastic cellophane. So even with the potato chip grease that surrounded them as they waited to be freed from their bags, it didn’t impact the cards.
1993 Hostess SkyBox Star Trek: The Next Generation Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Base Set Checklist
39 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Captain Jean-Luc Picard
2 Cmdr. William T. Riker
3 Lt. Cmdr. Data
4 Lt. Worf Rozhenko
5 Lt. Cmdr. Geordi Laforge
6 Counselor Deanna Troi
7 Dr. Beverly Crusher
8 Guinan
9 Wesley Crusher
10 The Traveller
11 The Q
12 Sela
13 Locutus
14 The Ferengi
15 Klingon Bird-of-Prey
16 Klingon Battlecruiser
17 Klingon Attack Cruiser
18 Romulan Warbird
19 Romulan Scoutship
20 Ferengi Marauder
21 Borg Ship
22 Cardassian Warship
23 UFP Ambassador Class
24 UFP Excelsior Class
25 UFP Miranda Class
26 UFP Constellation Class
27 U.S.S. Enterprise
28 Main Bridge
29 Ten-Forward
30 The Transporter Room
31 Communicator
32 Phaser (Type 1)
33 Phaser (Type 2)
34 Phaser Rifle (Type 3)
35 Standard Tricorder
36 Medical Tricorder
37 Hypospray
38 P.A.D.D.
Deep Space Nine Checklist
10 cards.

D01 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Cast
D02 Commander Benjamin Sisko
D03 Lieutenant Miles O’Brien
D04 Major Kira Nerys
D05 Security Officer Odo
D06 Lieutenant Jadzia Dax
D07 Doctor Julian Bashir
D08 Jake Sisko
D09 Quark
D10 The Crew of Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Fold-Out Posters
10 cards.

The Best of Both Worlds
Encounter at Farpoint
Hide and Q
I, Borg
The Last Outpost
Where No One Has Gone Before