1993 Eclipse King Kong is another set in a line of trading cards to delve into the world of the giant ape from Skull Island. This one sticks to the original and not one of the remakes (Topps covered both the 1976 and 2005 versions). This isn’t a complex release but it’s not strictly base cards, either.
1993 Eclipse King Kong Checklist Details
The bulk of the release, which commemorate the film’s 60th anniversary, is found in the 110-card base set. Fronts are simple but clean with brown border and a small inner frame, giving it a matted look.
As one might expect, most of the cards use movie stills, running through key moments and action. However, the set goes further with some behind-the-scenes shots from filming, artwork and ads. Factor in the extensive text on the backs and the result is an in-depth look at one of the most influential films of all-time.
Joining the base set is a lone Foil Embossed insert titled Birth of a Legend that shows Kong towering over the city skyline.
Although not scarce, 1993 Eclipse King Kong trading cards aren’t overprinted, either. Tracking down singles can be a bit of work and sets and boxes both fetch solid amounts.
1993 Eclipse King Kong Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 110 cards
Cards per pack: 12
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1993 Eclipse King Kong boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
110 cards.
Buy on eBay:

1 Prologue
2 On the Waterfront
3 A Crazy Voyage
4 Denham
5 Weston Bears Bad News
6 Ann and the Apple
7 A Job Offer
8 Driscoll
9 Beauty and the Beast
10 A Secret Map
11 The Film Test
12 Land Ho!
13 On the Beach
14 A Native Village
15 The Human Sacrifice
16 Caught on Camera
17 Back Aboard
18 Affections Afloat
19 Kidnapped
20 A Dark Ritual
21 An Offering at the Altar
22 A Signal
23 Kong
24 Ann Unbound
25 Hapless Help
26 In Pursuit
27 On Track
28 Charge of the Stegosaurus
29 Halted by a Gas Bomb
30 In the Swamp
31 The Brontosaurus Attacks
32 A Capsized Raft
33 Rescuers Needing Rescue
34 Futile Flight
35 At the Log Bridge
36 Driscoll Ducks Destruction
37 The Allosaurus
38 Clash of the Titans
39 A Tree Falls Unheard
40 Kong Remains King
41 A Pair of Survivors
42 Signs of Struggle
43 Meanwhile…
44 Attack of the Snake-Lizard
45 Strangulation by Snake
46 Kong Cracks the Whip
47 Higher and Higher
48 The Examination
49 A Passing Pterodactyl
50 To Fly No More
51 On the Lam from the Lair
52 The End of the Leash
53 A Long First Step
54 Run through the Jungle
55 Guardians at the Gate
56 Crashing the Gate
57 A Village Vanquished
58 Standing Eye to Eye
59 Back at the Beach
60 Kong Captured
61 8th Wonder of the World
62 Cross of Steel
63 A Photo Op
64 Breaking the Chains
65 Panic in the Streets
66 In the Asphalt Jungle
67 A Shadow at the Window
68 The Reclamation of Ann
69 Derailment
70 Radio Report
71 The Tallest Tree in Town
72 A Squadron Scrambles
73 Attack by Air
74 Strafing Runs
75 Crash and Burn
76 A Final Goodbye
77 Death of a King
78 Reunion
79 Among the Crowd
80 Fay Wray
81 Robert Armstrong
82 Bruce Cabot
83 Noble Johnson
84 The Supporting Cast
85 Merian C. Cooper
86 Ernest B. Schoedsack
87 What Did Edgar Wallace Do?
88 Max Steiner
89 Willis O’Brien
90 The Lost World
91 The Creation of Kong
92 From Komodo to Kong
93 Kong’s Big Head
94 Watch Those Fingers, Pal!
95 Stop-Motion Secrets
96 Mixing Monsters and Men
97 Code That Wall for Recycling
98 The Scene We Didn’t See
99 The Beast and Beauty
100 The Mystery Isle
101 RKO’s Gamble
102 Posters and Ad Art
103 (Pre)historic Hoopla!
104 We’re Millionaires, Boys!
105 Kong and the Censors
106 Kong Returns
107 Son of Kong
108 Mighty Joe Young
109 King Kong’s Cast and Crew
110 Checklist
Foil Embossed Checklist
1 card.

E-1 Birth of a Legend
Promo Card Checklist
Prototype-1 Birth of a Legend