1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation marks the first set of mainstream trading cards dedicated solely to the franchise’s second show. It began a multi-year run that by today’s standards may seem simplistic, but the depth and level of detail within is nonetheless impressive.
1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation Checklist Details
While this is the first major Next Generation set, these aren’t the debut appearances from Captain Picard and his crew. In fact, they’re not even their first trading cards from Impel. The show appeared alongside the original series in 1991’s 25th Anniversary release. Here, it’s a solo run all its own — the first of many.
Consisting of 120 cards, the base set takes a deep dive into several aspects of the show ranging from characters to ships to looks behind the scenes. Collectors take a tour of the U.S.S. Enterprise and learn about various tools and symbols used in the show. It’s comprehensive in all of the areas it covers, which, oddly enough, doesn’t include episode and season breakdowns. Those can be found elsewhere.
1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation has a pair of insert sets.
Five International Language cards offer different translations for the “Where No One Has Gone Before” card that kicks off the base set. Both the front and the back changes things up. Landing 1:5 packs, these are easy to track down and remain very affordable.
Packs have four different Holograms as well. Tougher at 1:18 packs, these highlight different ships from the show. All four have a variation that’s numbered incorrectly on the back.
A fifth Hologram is also part of the set. Instead of being found in packs, the only way to get this card was through a mail-away offer.
A tin factory set includes a bonus card not available elsewhere.
1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation is not an overly valuable set. Besides not having much of a modern chase element, the product was heavily printed so there’s still lots out there. This is a case where the product can certainly be enjoyed for what it is but collectors are unlikely to see significant price gains.
1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 120 cards
Cards per pack: 10
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
120 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Where No One Has Gone Before
2 Fifth Season Commemorative
3 Gene Roddenberry
Primary Crew
4 Captain Jean-Luc Picard
5 Commander William Riker
6 Lieutenant Commander Data
7 Lieutenant Worf
8 Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge
9 Counselor Deanna Troi
10 Chief Medical Officer Dr. Beverly Crusher
11 Guinan
12 Ensign Wesley Crusher
Support Crew
13 Lieutenant Miles O’Brien
14 Keiko O’Brien
15 Lieutenant Reginald Barclay
16 Ensign Ro Laren
17 Ambassador Lwaxana Troi
18 Lieutenant Tasha Yar
19 Sergey and Helena Rozhenko
20 Alexander Rozhenko
21 K’Ehleyr
22 Dr. Kate Pulaski
23 Ambassador Sarek
24 The Traveler
25 Lore
26 The Q
27 The Borg
28 Sela
29 Livingston
30 Locutus
31 Klingon Bird-of-Prey
32 Klingon K’t’inga Class Battle Cruiser
33 Klingon Vor’cha Class Attack Cruiser
34 Romulan Warbird
35 Romulan Scout Ship
36 Ferengi Marauder
37 Borg Ship
38 Cardassian Galor Warship
39 Federation Ambassador Class
40 Federation Excelsior Class
41 Federation Miranda Class
42 Federation Constellation Class
The U.S.S. Enterprise
43 U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
44 Enterprise History
45 Ship Schematic Dorsal Plan View
46 Ship Schematic Starboard Elevation
47 Galaxy Class Development Project
48 Commissioning Plaque
49 Warp Engines
50 Impulse Engines
51 Main Bridge
52 Battle Bridge
53 Sickbay
54 Main Engineering
55 Tractor Beams
56 Ship’s Phasers
57 Photon Torpedoes
58 Shuttlepods
59 Transporter
60 Food Replicators
61 Three-Dimensional Chess
62 Ten-Forward
63 Holodecks
64 Ship Access Corridors & Turbolifts
Equipment and Tools
65 Communicator
66 Phaser (Type I)
67 Phaser (Type II)
68 Phaser Rifle (Type III)
69 Tricorder
70 Medical Tricorder
71 Hypospray
72 Personal Access Display Device
73 Isolinear Optical Chip
Regalia and Graphics
74 U.S.S. Enterprise Ship Signage
75 Starfleet Uniforms
76 Starfleet Rank Insignia
77 Seal of the United Federation of Planets
78 Starfleet Emblem
79 Symbol of the Klingon Empire
80 Symbol of the Romulan Star Empire
81 Symbol of the Ferengi Alliance
82 Symbol of the Borg
Behind the Scenes
83 Make-Up
84 Wardrobe
85 Art & Design
86 Prosthetics / Creature Shop
87 Set Construction
88 Special Effects: Lighting and Props
89 Special Effects: Digital Composition
90 Principal Photography
91 Filming & Post-Production
Technical Data
92 Inertial Damping System (IDS)
93 Saucer Module Separation Systems
94 Emergency Landing of Saucer Module
95 External & Internal Coordinate Systems
96 Standard Flight Information Input
97 Flight Control (CONN)
98 Operations Management (OPS)
99 Tactical Systems
100 Main Bridge Aft Stations
101 Ship’s Computer
102 Warp Propulsion System
103 Dilithium Crystals
104 Warp Drive Nacelles
105 Bussard Ramscoop
106 Navigational Deflector Systems
107 Transporter Systems Theory & Operation
108 Holodeck Environment Simulation Theory
109 Artificial Gravity Generation
110 Shuttlecraft Classifications
111 Captain’s Yacht
Trivia Cards
112 Trivia: Data
113 Trivia: “Q”
114 Trivia: Jean-Luc Picard
115 Trivia: U.S.S. Enterprise
116 Trivia: The Klingons
117 Trivia: Aliens
118 Trivia: Benind-the-Scenes
119 Checklist
120 Checklist
Bonus International Language Cards Checklist
5 cards.
1:5 packs.

01A Japanese / Kanji
01B Spanish / Español
01C German / Deutchen
01D French / Francais
01E Russian / Cyrillic
Holograms Checklist
5 cards.
With error variations: 9 cards.
1:18 packs.
05H available through exchange offer and not in packs.

01H Klingon Bird-of-Prey
02H Klingon Vor’Cha Cruiser
03H Romulan Warbird
04H Ferengi Marauder
05H Galaxy Class Starship – Exchange Card
031 Klingon Bird-of-Prey
033 Klingon Vor’Cha Cruiser
034 Romulan Warbird
036 Ferengi Marauder
Tin Bonus Card Checklist
1 card.
Available only in tin factory sets.
Jean-Luc Picard – Inaugural Edition 1992
Promo Cards Checklist
00A U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
00B Lieutenant Commander Data
00C Dilithium Crystals
Coming June 15, 1992 — Star Trek: The Next Generation