1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie trading cards adapt the blockbuster that marked the peak of the franchise’s popularity. Like the film it’s based on, the set is a lot of fun. And while there isn’t anything complex, there is a notable wrinkle for completists.
1990 Topps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Checklist Details
For the most part, the 1990 Topps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles checklist falls in line with how the company had been doing entertainment trading cards for the previous couple of decades. Packs have cards, a sticker and a stick of gum.
At 132 cards, though, the base set is bigger than a lot of other. It covers the live-action movie, recapping key points and offering plenty of close looks at the unique characters. A handful of behind-the-scenes cards show the other side of the camera as well as some of the planning. These offer up a notable cameo in the form of Muppets creator, Jim Henson. His company designed the many creature suits needed to make the movie possible.
Of course, there’s also Ninja Turtles creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
As far as design goes, it leans into the film theme with a camera icon along the bottom to house the number and a film strip for holding the caption. Backs emphasize purple and green. One side has the movie’s word art and Donatello. The other offers up a standard but detailed writeup inside a purple box.
1990 Topps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie has just 11 stickers. these use film images with a red border. Unlike a lot of Topps’ stickers, these ones are kiss cut though making the actual stickers shaped. Rather, the entire front peels off. Backs are generic, simply encouraging people to collect all 11.
Deluxe Edition Cards
The base set actually has two versions. Cards in wax packs are all the same. However, there are also glossy versions that also have bright white backs.
These can be found in two places. First, there’s a Deluxe Edition Factory set where all base cards are glossy.
There are also two Deluxe Edition packs. Done sort of like a modern hanger box, these each have 66 cards. They’re each labelled Pack A and Pack B. All Pack A versions have the same 66 cards while Pack B balances things out with the remaining half of the set. Get both and you have a complete glossy set.
Besides the glossy fronts and bright white stock on the back, you can use the copyright to confirm them. Regular Topps cards note the USA. Glossy cards say “TOPPS IRL LTD.” noting that they were printing in Ireland like Topps’ Tiffany sports card sets.
1990 Topps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 132 cards
Cards per pack: 10
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1990 Topps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
132 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Title Card
2 Leonardo
3 Michaelangelo
4 Donatello
5 Raphael
6 Master Splinter
7 Reporter April O’Neil
8 Crimefighter Casey Jones
9 Danny Pennington
10 The Shredder
11 Tatsu
12 Chief Sterns
13 Crime-Crazed City!
14 Phantom Rescuers
15 Underground Heroes!
16 A Respectful Bow
17 Master of the Sewer Den
18 And Remember…No Anchovies!
19 Turtle-About-Town!
20 Hungry Mike
21 Just Hangin’!
22 Turtle Soul Food!
23 Raphael Under Cover!
24 The Masked Vigilante
25 Casey in Action!
26 Who’s the Champ, Pal?
27 Tough Rocks, Raphael!
28 April’s Boss in a Snit
29 Watching from Below
30 Fencing with O’Neil
31 April in a Jam!
32 Courage of April
33 Subway Assault!
34 Decked by the “Foot”!
35 Raphael to the Rescue!
36 One Dangerous Dude!
37 Airborne Hero!
38 Stepping on the “Foot”!
39 April Gets Carried Away
40 Pursued by the Enemy
41 Back from Oblivion
42 Furry Friend or Foe?
43 Startled by Splinter
44 Pow-Wow in the Sewer!
45 Splinter’s Story
46 Mutant Turtle Baby!
47 Through a Sewer Darkly
48 Up, Up and Away!
49 Coming Up in the World
50 April’s Pad
51 Unusual Houseguest
52 Distant Cousins?
53 A Frozen Pizza Party!
54 Their First Human Friend
55 The Sewer Den…Trashed!
56 Where’s Master Splinter?!
57 The Rat Man Manacled!
58 Tatsu and His Evil “Foot”
59 Approach of the Evil One
60 Master of Plunder!
61 Danny Is Nabbed!
62 Dejected Heroes
63 April on the Air
64 Watch Out Behind You…!
65 Spotted By Casey!
66 Against the “Foot” Army!
67 Utterly Outnumbered!
68 Check Out the Tube!
69 Raphael Holds His Own!
70 Fine Place for a Nap!
71 April’s Guided Tour
72 The O’Neil Junk Store
73 Topsy-Turvey Turtle!
74 Special Delivery!
75 Creeps from On High!
76 Crashing April’s Party
77 Protecting Raphael
78 Fighting for Their Lives!
79 The Battle Rages On!
80 The Apartment — Invaded!
81 Let’s Split!
82 Escape from New York
83 Tatsu’s Failure
84 An Evil Reprimand
85 Reaching Out to Danny
86 I Will Listen, My Son!
87 Bathtub Vigil
88 Casey — Mr. Fix-It!
89 It’ll Never Work!
90 Whoops!
91 Raphael Revives!
92 Raph’s Gonna Be Okay!
93 Brotherly Love, Turtle-Style!
94 What To Do Next …?
95 In Tune with the Infinite
96 Message from Beyond
97 The New Fighting Method!
98 Tuning Up!
99 Ready for a Rematch!
100 It’s Time To Go Back!
101 Danny…Ally or Spy?
102 Kill Splinter!
103 Surprise for the “Foot”!
104 The Soprano Make Strikes!
105 Shelling It Out!
106 The Battle with Tatsu
107 Fore!
108 Armed and Anxious!
109 A foot for the “Foot”!
110 Turtle Power!
111 Rooftop Assault!
112 The Shredder Pours It On!
113 We Got a Problem Here!
114 The Face of Oroku
115 Saki on the Rampage!
116 Outwitted By splinter!
117 The Final Confrontation
118 The Shredder’s Great Fall
119 Dying…without Honor!
120 The Victor
121 Thank You, My Children!
122 Father and Son Reunited
123 The Birth of Cowabunga
124 April O’Neil…Signing Off!
125 He Loves Being a Turtle!
126 Until Next Crime …!
127 Clowning with Leonardo
128 The Comics Come to Life!
129 Preparing for “Battle”
130 Shooting Splinter
131 Last Minute Costume Check
132 The Gang’s All Here!
Glossy Deluxe Edition Parallels
132 cards.
Available in Deluxe Movie Edition Factory Set, and Packs A and B.
Stickers Checklist
11 cards.
1 per pack.

1 Splinter
2 Shredder
3 April
4 Raphael
5 Leonardo
6 April
7 Raphael
8 Tatsu
9 Michelangelo
10 Donatello
11 Casey Jones