1990 Topps Gremlins 2: The New Batch trading cards bring back Gizmo and Billy while introducing several new Mogwai into the mix. Like the original film’s set, it’s a standard Topps movie release for the time although there are hints of an evolving hobby.
1990 Topps Gremlins 2: The New Batch Checklist Overview
The main set consists of a modest 88 cards. Most of these are dedicated to retelling the somewhat overlooked Joe Dante sequel. That said, the start of the checklist focuses on the movies characters, including some of the most memorable Mogwai. A couple of notable cameos including film critic Leonard Maltin and horror legend Christoper Lee can also be found in the set.
Instead of the yellow the original film’s set received in 1984, Topps opts for a brighter white. The image has a thin red inner frame. A handful of cards have two smaller images stacked on top of one another to make for a sequence. Along the bottom the caption is joined by a series of footprints and a cartoon icon of either the cuddly Gizmo or a gremlin.
Backs use blue and red blocks to separate the title from the card’s description. It’s all clearly laid out and easy to read.
Like most Topps movie trading card sets up until this point, there’s also a small set of stickers. Landing one per pack, there are 11 different fronts to collect. However, each has two variations based on the puzzle piece on the back making for a 22-sticker master set. The variations are easy to tell as they either have a red border on the back or a green one.
There is also a 1990 Topps Gremlins 2 factory set that comes with the basic 88 card set plus 22 exclusive Behind the Scenes cards. The base cards in these sets are essentially parallels as they have a glossy finish not found on the regular pack-issued cards.
1990 Topps Gremlins 2: The New Batch Checklist
Set size: 88 cards
Cards per pack: 10
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1990 Topps Gremlins 2: The New Batch packs and boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
88 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Gremlins 2: The New Batch Title Card
2 Gizmo the Mogwai
3 Daffy the Mogwai
4 George the Mogwai
5 Lenny the Mogwai
6 Mohawk the Mogwai
7 Metamorphosis
8 Lenny and George (Gremlins)
9 Daffy the Gremlin
10 Mohawk the Gremlin
11 Billy Peltzer
12 Kate Beringer
13 Mr. Futterman
14 Mrs. Futterman
15 Daniel Clamp
16 Seductive Marla
17 Executive Snoop Forster
18 Dr. Catheter
19 Microwave Marge
20 Grandpa Fred
21 Mr. Wing’s Final Stand
22 A Mogwai in Mourning
23 Welcome to New York!
24 The Clamp Centre
25 Chatting with Grandpa Fred
26 Catheter’s Creations
27 Mysterious New Arrival
28 A “Hello” from Gizmo!
29 A Boy and His Mogwai
30 Clamp Discovers Billy
31 Dinner with Marla (& Friend)
32 Birth of New Mogwais
33 Mistaking a Mogwai
34 Unexpected House Guest
35 Mogwais on the Loose!
36 Post-Midnight Snack!!
37 The Gremlins Are Back!
38 Gremlin Stew!
39 Confronting the Little Squirt
40 George Is Riled!
41 Marge – Signing Off!
42 Now You See It…!
43 Clamp’s New Secretary
44 Elevator Assault!
45 In the Genetics Lab
46 Animal-Vegetable-Gremlin!
47 Lady Gremlina?!
48 The Bat Gremlin
49 Hit the Road, Bat!
50 A Batty Escape!
51 Familiar, Trite, Uninspired!
52 A Definite “Thumbs Down”!
53 Gremlin’s Revenge
54 Sparking Some Trouble!
55 Attacked from on High!
56 Futterman’s Triumph
57 Buried Alive!
58 Laboratory Lunacy!
59 Dr. Catheter’s Demise
60 Forster’s New Girlfriend!
61 Mohawk, the Spider Gremlin!
62 Whooping It Up!
63 Tourist Attractions
64 The Gremlin Shuffle
65 He’s Coming for You!
66 Building Under Siege!
67 Marla – Caught in a Web!
68 She’s No Dummy!
69 The Interview
70 The “Brain” Gremlin
71 Brainy Reflections
72 Dental Dilemma
73 Daffy’s Deadly Drill
74 Futterman to the Rescue!
75 Web Worries
76 Spider Gremlin Rampage!
77 Gizmo… Marla’s Hero!
78 We’re Not Beaten Yet!
79 Divine, Simply Divine!
80 On Top of the Trouble!
81 The Original Party Animals!
82 Having a Gremlin Ball!
83 Zapped by Billy!
84 Front-Line Futterman!
85 Don’t Rain on Our Parade!
86 Clamp In Command!
87 A Soggy, Slushy End
88 Gizmo’s Farewell
Glossy Parallels
88 cards.
Found in Collectors’ Edition factory set. Cards have the same layout but have a glossy coating on them.
Stickers Checklist
11 cards.
22 with variations.
Each sticker has a red-bordered and green-bordered puzzle variation on the back.
1 per pack.

1 Daffy the Mogwai
2 Mogwai Invasion!
3 Evil Mogwai Mohawk
4 George the Mogwai
5 Lenny the Mogwai
6 The Gremlins Have Arrived!
7 Daffy the Gremlin
8 Lenny & George (Gremlins)
9 It’s After Midnight!
10 On the Town!
11 The Bat Gremlin
Behind the Scenes Checklist
22 cards.
Exclusive to Collectors’ Edition factory set.
List unknown. If you have this set and a list of card numbers and captions you can share, it’d be appreciated.