1988 Topps Who Framed Roger Rabbit may not be the fanciest or even the most attractive trading cards of all-time, but they’re something.
Clocking in at 132 cards, it’s significantly bigger than the vast majority of Topps’ other single-series non-sport sets. Movie stills are framed in black. It’s done in a way that mimics the film running through a reel.
In typical fashion, Stickers are inserted at a rate on one per pack. The full set has 22. They aren’t die-cut like a lot of other stickers. However, the tradition of puzzle pieces on the back is maintained.
Although not the most plentiful of products from the era, there is still a lot of 1988 Topps Who Framed Roger Rabbit trading cards out there. As a result, both boxes and sets aren’t overly expensive.
1988 Topps Who Framed Roger Rabbit Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 10
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1988 Topps Who Framed Roger Rabbit boxes on eBay.
Base Set
132 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Toon Superstars!
3 Their Latest Cartoon!
4 Now Be a Good Little Baby!’
5 He’s In Your Hands
6 Never Fear, Roger’s Here!
7 Baby Herman Is Loose!
8 Yyyooooooowwwwwww!!!
9 Baby on the Burners!
10 The Rolling Pin Tumbles!
11 Was This Trip Necessary?
12 Roger Goes to Pot!
13 A Step in the Wrong Direction!
14 One Roasted Rabbit!
15 When You’re Hot, You’re Hot!
16 Socket to Roger!
17 Electrifying!
18 The Cookie Quest Continues!
19 Look Out Below!
20 Utensils Attack!
21 Yikes!!!
22 Sharp Shooters!
23 Whew!!!
24 Whoops!!!
25 Saved By Roger!
26 Roger Gets Clunked!
27 Roger’s Tweeting Birds!
28 Cut!!!
29 I Said Stars, Not Birds!
30 Gimme One Last Chance!
31 Eddie Valiant, Private Eye!
32 Walt Sent Me.
33 Inside the Club
34 This Way, Mr. Valiant!
35 The Main Attraction
36 Va-Va-Va-Voom!!
37 Jessica Rabbit Swings Out!
38 Can Jessica Be Trusted?
39 Don’t Monkey with Me!!
40 Pattycake Betrayal!
41 I Don’t Believe It…!
42 I Won’t Believe It…!
43 I Can’t Believe It…!
44 I Shan’t Believe It…!
45 A Hasty Retreat
46 Judge Doom’s Latest Victim
47 Care for a Dip?!
48 Death of a Toon!
49 Tooned-Out!
50 An Important Clue!
51 Strange Bedfellows!
52 Get Out, Ya Screwy Toon!
53 Roger’s Love Letter
54 Funny Meeting You Here!
55 Handcuffed to a Toon!
56 We’re In This Together, Eddie!
57 Hide Me…Quick!
58 A Panicked Rabbit!
59 Oh, No…It’s the Toon Squad!
60 Those Wily Weasels!
61 All Right, Where’s the Rabbit At?!
62 Damp But Undaunted!
63 Eddie and Roger, Uncuffed!
64 Jessica Meets Valiant in His Office
65 I’m Not That Kind of Toon!
66 Jessica Blows a Kiss
67 Those Luscious, Luminous Lips!
68 Nabbed by the Toon Squad!
69 The Judge Gets His Toon!
70 Into the Dip, Rabbit!
71 This Drink’s for Roger!
72 Toons and Booze Don’t Mix!
73 Gangway!!
74 Talk About a Getaway Car!
75 Benny to the Rescue!
76 They’re Gaining on Us!
77 Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!
78 Look Oooooouuuuuuuttttttt!!!
79 A Narrow Escape!
80 Oh No…No… No!!!
81 We Got ‘Em This Time!
82 Benny’s Up For It!
83 The Road to Unreality!
84 Another World…
85 One Heck of a Place to Visit!
86 Toontown Pile-Up!
87 In Pursuit of Jessica
88 What Goes Up…
89 Eddie’s Hard-Pressed!
90 Jessica, Is That You?
91 Look Out Below!
92 Just Hanging Around!
93 Above It All!
94 The Fall of Eddie Valiant
95 Perilous Plunge!
96 Mysterious Back Streets!
97 Someone’s Tailin’ Me…
98 Jessica…Friend or Foe?
99 Aided by a Car-Toon!
100 A Dip-Slicked Road!
101 Poor Benny Crashes!
102 Snagged by the Toon Patrol!
103 I’ve Got to Save Them!!
104 Roger to the Rescue!
105 Trapped By Judge Doom!
106 What a Way to Go!
107 Don’t Try Anything Fancy!
108 A Valiant Effort!
109 What a Crack-Up!
110 Alas, Poor Weasel!
111 The Deadly Dip!
112 Say It, Don’t Spray It!
113 What a Weird Weapon!
114 Doom on a Roll!
115 Stand Up and Sneer!
116 The Judge Re-Inflated!
117 He’s Back & Badder Than Ever!
118 Booing!!
119 The Mad Toon’s Fury
120 Eddie Sees the Saw!
121 The Fatal Splash!
122 Crack of Doom!
123 Swing to Safety!
124 Good Morning, Toontown!
125 The Day Is Saved!
126 Judge Doom’s Demise!
127 Special Thanks from Jessica!
128 A Grateful Roger Rabbit
129 What a Pal!
130 The Mystery Is Solved!
131 Love with the Proper Rabbit
132 Made for Each Other!
22 cards, 1 per pack.

1 Roger Rabbit
2 Roger Rabbit
3 Jessica Rabbit
4 Jessica Rabbit
5 Roger, Benny
6 Benny the Cab
7 Baby Herman
8 Baby Herman
9 Roger Rabbit
10 Maroon Cartoon
11 Eddie, Roger
12 Smart Ass
13 Eddie, Roger
14 Baby Herman, Roger
15 Judge Doom
16 Roger
17 Roger, Jessica
18 Judge Doom
19 Jessica Rabbit
20 Eddie Valiant
21 Roger Rabbit
22 Roger, Jessica