1985 Hasbro Transformers trading cards are the first for the venerable toy franchise. Mixing elements of both the Generation 1 toys and the classic animated series, it covers a lot of ground. Some quirks make the set a challenging one to complete, even decades later.
1985 Hasbro Transformers Checklist Details
A basic set of 1985 Hasbro Transformers trading cards has 192 cards. That’s big for a non-sport set then and still today. Cards come in two types — robots and cartoon cards. Things start off with key Autobots. One block of cartoon cards follow. The process is repeated on the second half of the checklist, only with Decepticons replacing Optimus Prime and company. The basic pattern is characters, cartoons, characters, more cartoons.

The character cards use the artwork that adorned the original action figures. It’s quite the contrast from the designs used in the TV series.

1985 Hasbro Transformers Variations
Many cards have variations as well. In most of these instances, it’s a simple change of the background color. These are most common with the character cards, although some of the cartoon synopsis cards also have noticeably different color schemes. Some of the 1985 Hasbro Transformers trading card variations use flipped images. Here’s a great resource for spotting the variations.

Cards have traditional dimensions, but they do have rounded corners like playing cards.
1985 Hasbro Transformers trading cards packs also have one Motto Sticker. These are smaller in size. An image of the featured Transformer is paired with a saying that’s symbolic of their character.
Instead of traditional wax packs, 1985 Hasbro Transformers trading cards used blister packs. This enabled them to be hung up in stores on pegs alongside the action figures and other Transformers toys. Like sports cards, if a key character is showing on top of the pack, it can lead to premium prices.
Enduring Popularity
1985 Hasbro Transformers trading cards remain popular today and fairly valuable compared to other sets of the era. The comprehensive nature of the checklist and the subject matter are a couple of reasons why. Variations have kept some collectors involved for the long haul as well.
1985 Hasbro Transformers Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8 cards, 1 sticker
Packs per box: 96
Boxes per case: 4
Shop for 1985 Hasbro Transformers packs on eBay.
Base Set
192 cards.

Variations for background colors on character cards exist.
1 Optimus Prime
2 Jazz
3 Bluestreak
4 Ratchet
5 Tracks
6 Trailbreaker
7 Inferno
8 Smokescreen
9 Skids
10 Sunstreaker
11 Sideswipe
12 Mirage
13 Red Alert
14 Wheeljack
15 Ironhide
16 Prowl
17 Grapple
18 Perceptor
19 Blaster
20 Topspin
21 Twin Twist
22 Huffer
23 Brawn
24 Cliffjumper
25 Gears
26 Cosmos
27 Windcharger
28 Bumblebee
29 Powerglide
30 Seaspray
31 Warpath
32 Beachcomber
33 Slag
34 Grimlock
35 Swoop
36 Snarl
37 Sludge
38 Jetfire
39 Hound
40 Hoist
41 Omega Supreme
42 The Planet Cybertron
43 An Energy Wasteland
44 A Quartex of Energy
45 Wheljack on Cybertron
46 Spaceway to Iacon
47 Aerial Attack
48 Autobpts Domed Home
49 Soundwave Launches Laserbeak
50 Jazz Gets the Job Done
51 Starscream Challenges Megatron
52 Megatron in Command
53 Prol Navigates
54 Prowl Rolls into Battle
55 Sudden Meteor Shower
56 Ironhide at the Laser Gun
57 Starscream Demands Control
58 The Fallen Leader
59 Skywarp Revives Megatron
60 Physical Damage
61 Decepticons Are Energized
62 Decepticons Spot Autobots
63 Starscream’s Negative Effects
64 Operation Destruction
65 Soundwave Tunes In
66 Decepticon Hideout
67 Megatron in the Viewfinder
68 Megatron a Near Miss
69 Autobots Transformed
70 Ratchet and Sunstreaker
71 An Autobot Operation
72 Ravage Released
73 Double Trouble for Decepticons
74 Optimus Prime Rolls Into Battle
75 Two Deadly Decepticons
76 Attack on an Oil Rig
77 Megatron Transforms
78 Starscream in Jeopardy
79 Prowl on the Attack
80 Good Versus Evil
81 A Decepticon Victory
82 Primed for Battle
83 Leaders Fight it Out
84 Small-Scale Operation
85 The Smallest Autobot
86 Ruby Crystals of Burma
87 Decepticon Strike Force
88 Flying High
89 Evil Plan of Action
90 Decepticon Braintrust
91 Follow the Leader
92 Storing Energon Cubes
93 Sinister Plot
94 Sureshots Hound and Gears
95 Poised for Destruction
96 Checklist
97 Megatron
98 Starscream
99 Dirge
100 Thrust
101 Skywarp
102 Thundercracker
103 Ramjet
104 Soundwave
105 Buzzsaw
106 Rumble
107 Ravage
108 Laserbeak
109 Frenzy
110 Astrotrain
111 Blitzwing
112 Shrapnel
113 Kickback
114 Bombshell
115 Devestator
116 Mixmaster
117 Scavenger
118 Long Haul
119 Bonecrusher
120 Hook
121 Scrapper
122 Shockwave
123 An Autobot Lesson
124 Autobot Trapped
125 Autobot Repair
126 Grateful Earthlings
127 Autobot Rescue
128 Trailbreaker Rolls Into Battle
129 Jazz Rolls Into Battle
130 Prowl and Jazz
131 Starscream the Traitor
132 Return to Cybertron
133 Rocket Pack Flight
134 A Decepticon Disaster
135 A Decepticon Fireball
136 A Panic-Striken Megatron
137 Invincible Warriors
138 Hound Rolls Into Battle
139 Bumblebee and Hound
140 A Megatron Blast
141 Dreaded Walther P-38
142 Two Frightening Foes
143 Autobot Firepower
144 Mirage Rolls Into Battle
145 Starscream Fails Again
146 Starscream Hit by Megatron
147 Decepticons Forever
148 Ironhide Rolls Into Battle
149 A Defeated Ironhide
150 The Decepticon Strategy
151 The Meteorite Menace
152 Dinobots Versus Decepticons
153 Dinobots Aim to Impress
154 Flamethrower Slag
155 Megatron in Trouble
156 Indestructible Dinobots
157 The Dinobot Commander
158 The Contemptuous Starscream
159 Decepticon Destroyers
160 Dinobots Destroy Optimus Prime
161 The Powerful Dinobots
162 The Mean Mixmaster
163 Safe Volcanic Hideout
164 Constructicon Intruders
165 Dinobot Protectors
166 A Heavy-Metal Battle
167 Megatron’s Strength Injection
168 Constructicons Transformed
169 A Deceptive Plan
170 Powerful Energy Source
171 Constructicon Trio
172 A Constructicon Converter
173 A Charged-Up Leader
174 Megatron Overpowers Sunstreaker
175 Autobots Spot Insecticons
176 Jetfire the Protector
177 The Flight for Food
178 A Plague on Insecticons
179 Insecticons at Home
180 Evil Seeking Evil
181 A Scent of Insecticons
182 Insecticon Braintrust
183 Thirst for Oil
184 Decepticon Troublemakers
185 Delicious Crude Oil
186 Autobots to the Rescue
187 A Warm Welcome
188 Real Lightning Bug
189 Shrapnel Transforms
190 Power to Insecticons
191 Insecticons Trap Bumblebee
192 Checklist
Motto Stickers
24 sticker. 1 per pack.

Dirge – “Fear is the element that unites all losers.”
Frenzy – “Sow panic and surrender will bloom.”
Grimlock – “Among the winners, there is no room for the weak.”
Inferno – “Where there’s smoke, there’s me.”
Jazz – “Do it with style or don’t bother doing it.”
Laserbeak – “The only point I like about Autobots — melting point.”
Long Haul – “A battle front is only as good as its supply line.”
Megatron – “Peace through tyranny.”
Optimus Prime – “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
Prowl – “Logic is the ultimate weapon.”
Ravage – Today’s Autobots are tomorrow’s scrap metal.”
Red Alert – “Caution can never be overused.”
Rumble – “Destroy what’s below and what’s above will follow.”
Sideswipe – “I don’t break rules, I bend them — a lot.”
Skywarp – “Strike when the enemy isn’t looking.”
Slag – “I have no need for friends, even less for enemies.”
Smokescreen – “A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.”
Soundwave – “Cries and screams are music to my ears.”
Starscream – “Conquest is made of the ashes of one’s enemies.”
Swoop – “Fear can hit targets unreachable to bullets.”
Thrust – “My engine’s roar is my enemy’s song of doom.”
Tracks – “Looking good is what life is all about.”
Twin Twist – “War is wherever I want to be.”
Wheeljack – “Never do what your enemy expects you to.”