1984 Fleer V trading cards highlight the mini series that spawned a second mini series then a short-lived TV show before getting the reboot treatment 15 years later. Although not the only entertainment release from Fleer in the 1980s, it’s one of a small roster that also includes 1984’s Dune.
1984 Fleer V Checklist Details
As a whole, 1984 Fleer V feels a lot like a Topps release, combining both cards and stickers. The main set has a total of 66 cards, walking though the characters and storyline. It’s also sure to highlight some of the make-up effects that were a big deal at the time.
Fronts are basic with black borders joining red and yellow inner frames. The simple V logo sits in one corner with the caption running along the yellow portion of the frame. Images are a mix of stills and promotional shots that showcase, good or bad, some of the fashion styles and trends of the mid-’80s. Yes, hair really was that big. 1984 Fleer V backs are plain with basically the logo and a small write-up.
As far as notable names go, there aren’t many. That said, some may find #24 “Willie’s Our Friend” interesting. Willie was played by Robert Englund, best known as Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street series, which premiered in November, 1984.
The checklist as one small glitch. There is no #28. Instead, there are two different cards for #38.
Like most Topps TV and movie releases from this period, V has one-per-pack stickers. A total of 22 make up this portion of the checklist, which are mainly character- and creature-based. The stickers have die-cut images. Backs double as puzzle pieces.
With V largely forgotten today, this set doesn’t have a huge audience. And while it’s out there, it’s not as easy to find as a lot of other sets from around the same time. But if you take the demand and supply, there seems to be a solid balance as prices are solid but not extreme, high or low.
1984 Fleer V Checklist
Set size: 66 cards
Cards per pack: 11
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1984 Fleer V boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
66 cards.
No #28, two different #38.
Buy on eBay:
1 Ready for a Chase
2 Visitor Roadblock
3 Julie – The Brave Resistance Leader
4 Sparks Are Flying
5 Fried Lizard
6 Outside Refinery
7 Blasting Through
8 Hot Pursuit
9 The Conversion
10 Close Up View
11 Bullseye
12 View From Inside
13 The Hanger Deck
14 Diana at the Controls
15 Fire!
16 Mike Donovan – The Cameraman
17 Diana’s Favorite Torture Chair
18 Standing Guard
19 Unmasked
20 Deadly Pair
21 Ready for Action
22 Donovan in Disguise
23 Freeze!
24 Willie’s Our Friend
25 Robin Maxwell
26 Diana Looks for New Conquests
27 Elizabeth and Kyle
29 Lydia Taking Aim
30 Evasive Action
31 On the Dark Side of the Moon
32 Diana Escapes
33 Near Miss
34 Visitor Shuttle Craft
35 Snack Time
36 Stand Back!
37 A Quiet Moment
38 Good and Evil
38 Mother & Daughter Reunited (supposed to be #28)
39 Attention!
40 Into a Snake Pit
41 Meeting with the Enemy
42 Ham Tyler
43 Diana Runs for Cover
44 Time to Chow Down
45 The Planning Never Stops
46 A Face You Can’t Forget!
47 Lead and Lasers for the Visitors
48 Mike Pulls the Switch
49 The Evil Eye
50 Halt!
51 Awaiting a Message
52 In for a Landing
53 Julie Parrish
54 Stand By To Open Fire!
55 Sneaking Past Alien Guards
56 Kyle and Ham
57 Oh! Those Eyes
58 Diana Looks Under the Hood
59 Not Bad Looking for a Lizard
60 Kyle and Elizabeth Run for Their Lives
61 Don’t Let Them Get Away!
62 Kyle Bates
63 Some of “V’s” Famous Cast
64 It’s Donovan…After Him!
65 Take Us Home Martin
66 A Fearless Resistance Fighter
Stickers Checklist
22 cards.
1 per pack.
1 Julie Parrish
2 Alien Face
3 Visitor Soldier
4 Symbols
5 Diana
6 Alien Face
7 Kyle Bates
8 Julie Parrish / Mike Donovan
9 Lydia
10 Alien Face
11 Kyle Bates
12 Diana
13 Cast
14 Diana
15 Visitor Soldiers at Ship
16 Julie Parrish / Mike Donovan
17 Spaceship
18 Visitor Soldier
19 Alien Face
20 Robin Maxwell
21 Diana
22 Mike Donovan