1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi completed the card maker’s run with the original trilogy. While the format is somewhat the same as 1977 Star Wars and 1980 The Empire Strikes Back, the bookend is also significantly smaller. Smaller doesn’t mean small, though. It still features over 200 cards spanning over a pair of series plus almost 90 stickers if you take all of the variations into account.
1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Checklist Details
Taken as a whole, the 1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi base set has 220 cards. However, it wasn’t released all in one go. The third film is spread over two series. The first is bigger with 132 cards. Series 2 shrinks things down to 88. Compared to most movies and shows getting the entertainment trading card treatment in the 1980s, 220 cards is big. But it’s down from the five series of 1977 Star Wars and three that The Empire Strikes Back received in 1980.
The structure of Return of the Jedi is more streamlined than the earlier films. There are character cards and story cards. Nothing goes behind the scenes. Ralph McQuarrie’s artwork doesn’t get a showcase. It’s all very plot driven.
The layout for Series 1 and Series 2 is the same. Still, they’re easy to differentiate thanks to the border. The first 132 cards are red. Series 2 is dark blue. Card backs are memorable largely because of the illustrated characters that accompany the text and trivia.
Sticky Stuff
Where things get a little complicated in 1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is with the accompanying stickers. The concept is similar to what’s in a lot of Topps sets. They land one per pack and have a numerical checklist of 55 cards, 33 for Series 1 and 22 in Series 2. But there’s a twist. All Series 1 stickers have two variations based on the border color. This brings a master set up to 88 stickers.
It’s safe to say that 1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is one of the most popular and valuable entertainment sets put out by Topps in the 1980s. It’s Star Wars. But compared to the previous two films, the demand isn’t quite as high are prices are a little more affordable.
1983 Topps Return of the Jedi Wrapper Gallery
Series 1

Series 2

1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 220 cards (Series 1 – #1-132, Series 2 – #133-220)
Cards per pack: Wax – 11, Series 1 Rack Packs – 45
Packs per box: Wax – 36
Shop for 1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
220 cards.
#1-132 – Series 1
#133-220 – Series 2
Buy on eBay:
Series 1
1 Title Card
2 Luke Skywalker
3 Darth Vader
4 Han Solo
5 Princess Leia Organa
6 Lando Calrissian
7 Chewbacca
8 C-3PO and R2-D2
9 The New Death Star
10 The Inspection
11 Toward the Desert Palace
12 Bib Fortuna
13 Court of Evil
14 Jabba the Hutt
15 Intergalactic Gangster
16 Salacious Crumb
17 A Message for Jabba the Hutt
18 Dungeons of Jabba the Hutt
19 Beedo and a Jawa
20 Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band
21 Droopy McCool
22 Sy Snootles
23 Watched by Boba Fett
24 Boushh’s Captive
25 The Bounty Hunter Boushh
26 The Villains Confer
27 Han Solo’s Plight
28 The Rescuer
29 Decarbonized!
30 Princess Leia to the Rescue!
31 Heroes in Disguise
32 The Princess Enslaved
33 Luke Skywalker Arrives
34 The Young Jedi
35 The Court in Chaos!
36 The Rancor Pit
37 Facing Jabba the Hutt
38 The Sail Barge and the Desert Skiff
39 Jabba the Hutt’s New Dancing Girl
40 On the Sail Barge
41 A Monstrous Fate!
42 The Battle Begins
43 Lando Calrissian’s Fight for Life
44 Fury of the Jedi!
45 Princess Leia Strikes Back!
46 The Demise of Jabba the Hutt
47 Boba Fett’s Last Stand
48 The Rescue
49 Gamorrean Guard
50 The Deadly Cannon
51 The Raging Battle
52 Princess Leia Swings Into Action!
53 Swing to Safety
54 On the Death Star
55 Guards of the Emperor
56 The Deciders
57 The Emperor
58 Yoda, the Jedi Master
59 A Word with Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
60 The Allies Meet
61 A New Challenge
62 Pondering the Raid
63 Mission: Destroy the Death Star!
64 Mon Mothma
65 The Friends Depart
66 Benevolent Creature
67 The Plan Begins
68 Forest of Endor
69 Droids on the Move
70 Blasting a Speeder Bike
71 Approaching the Princess
72 A New Found Friend
73 Princess Leia’s Smile
74 Under Attack!
75 Imperial Scout Peril!
76 Entering the Throne Room
77 The Skywalker Factor
78 Captured by the Ewoks
79 The Netted Droid
80 All Hail See-Threepio!
81 Royal Treatment
82 Sitting with Royalty
83 Levitated by Luke
84 The Ewok Leaders
85 Logray and Chief Chirpa
86 Help from Princess Leia
87 Will Han Solo Be Dinner?
88 The Baby Ewok
89 The Forest Creatures
90 The Droid and the Ewok
91 R2-D2 Meets Wicket
92 Unexpected Allies
93 Serious Situation
94 Luke Skywalker’s Destiny
95 Quiet, See-Threepio!
96 Imperial Biker Scout
97 Biker Scout and the Battlefield
98 Han Solo’s Approach
99 The Ultimate Mission
100 Ready for Action!
101 Ambushed by the Empire
102 Observed by the Ewoks
103 The Courageous Ewoks
104 Prisoners!
105 Revising Their Plan
106 AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)
107 The Forest Fighters
108 Break for Freedom!
109 Artoo-Detoo — Hit!
110 Chewbacca Triumphant!
111 Ewoks to the Rescue!
112 Battle in the Forest
113 Stormtrooper Attack!
114 The Victorious Rebels
115 Time Out for Love
116 Facing the Emperor
117 Master of Terror
118 The Emperor’s Offer
119 Battle of the Jedi
120 Lightsaber Battle
121 Darth Vader Is Down!
122 The Confrontation
123 The Death Star Raid
124 Military Leader Admiral Ackbar
125 Within the Death Star
126 Victory Celebration!
127 Congratulating Wedge
128 The Triumphant Trio
129 The Heroic Droids
130 Toward Brighter Tomorrows
131 Checklist
132 Checklist
Series 2
133 Title Card
134 Path to Destiny
135 Captured!
136 The Courageous Jedi
137 The Victors
138 Wicket and Princess Leia
139 The Emperor’s Arrival
140 Sail Barge Battle!
141 Luke Skywalker, the Jedi
142 The Approach of Wicket
143 A Close Call!
144 Above the Sarlacc Pit
145 Admiral Ackbar’s Defenders
146 R2-D2 on Endor
147 Boba Fett Attacks!
148 Deadly Plunge!
149 Lando Calrissian’s Disguise
150 Soldiers of the Empire
151 A Curious Ewok
152 A Pensive Luke Skywalker
153 The Captive Princess
154 Luke Skywalker Surrenders
155 Thoughts of a Jedi
156 The Jaws of Death
157 Princess Leia Has the Force!
158 Arrival of the Emperor
159 Reunion on Endor
160 Toward the Sarlacc Pit
161 Sail Barge Creatures
162 Friends of the Alliance
163 The Dreaded Rancor
164 Face of Terror
165 Inside Jabba the Hutt’s Palace
166 The Ewok Village
167 A Collection of Creatures
168 Alert to Danger!
169 Walking the Plank!
170 A Gamorrean Guard Emerges
171 The Imperial Fleet
172 Jabba the Hutt on the Sail Barge
173 Escorted to the Ewok Village
174 A Monstrous Guest!
175 Village of the Ewoks
176 Aboard the Sail Barge
177 Confronting Their Destiny
178 Where’s Princess Leia?
179 Horror from the Pit
180 “Give in to Your Hate!”
181 Awaiting His Majesty
182 A Mother Ewok and Child
183 A Concerned Princess Leia
184 Lead Singer Sy Snootles
185 The Arrival of Boushh
186 Master of His Court
187 Star Lovers
188 Luke Skywalker…Now a Jedi!
189 Battle of the Bunker!
190 Portrait of Wicket
191 Trapped by the Empire
192 Their Secret Revealed
193 Rethinking the Plan
194 Snagged by the Ewoks
195 Han Solo’s in Trouble
196 Is Han Solo Giving Up?
197 The Royal Droid
198 Princess Leia Intercedes
199 Rescuing Han Solo
200 Father Versus Son
201 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Warrior
202 The Young Jedi Knight
203 Han Solo Is Alive!
204 Lando Calrissian Undercover
205 Horrendous Creature
206 Corridors of the Imperial Destroyer
207 Surrounded by Ewoks
208 Gamorrean Guard Profile
209 Hulking Gamorrean Guard
210 Guests of Jabba the Hutt
211 A Full-Fledged Jedi!
212 Bizarre Alien Creatures
213 Headquarters Frigate
214 TIE Interceptor (3/4 View)
215 The Nearly Completed Death Star
216 Rebel Cruiser
217 TIE Interceptor (Front View)
218 The Emperor’s Shuttle
219 Portrait of Chewbacca
220 Checklist
Stickers Checklist
55 cards.
With Variations – 88 cards
Series 1 – #1-33
Series 2 – #34-55
1 per pack.
Series 1

1 Yoda – Purple
1 Yoda – Yellow
2 Logray – Purple
2 Logray – Yellow
3 Droopy McCool – Purple
3 Droopy McCool – Yellow
4 Jabba the Hutt – Purple
4 Jabba the Hutt – Yellow
5 Ree-Yees – Purple
5 Ree-Yees – Yellow
6 Admiral Ackbar – Purple
6 Admiral Ackbar – Yellow
7 Boushh – Purple
7 Boushh – Yellow
8 Han Solo – Purple
8 Han Solo – Yellow
9 Leia Organa – Purple
9 Leia Organa – Yellow
10 Luke Skywalker – Purple
10 Luke Skywalker – Yellow
11 Han Solo – Purple
11 Han Solo – Yellow
12 C-3PO – Blue
12 C-3PO – Red
13 Chewbacca – Blue
13 Chewbacca – Red
14 Sy Snootles – Blue
14 Sy Snootles – Red
15 Baby Ewok – Blue
15 Baby Ewok – Red
16 Nien Nunb – Blue
16 Nien Nunb – Red
17 Lando Calrissian – Blue
17 Lando Calrissian – Red
18 R2-D2 – Blue
18 R2-D2 – Red
19 Obi-Wan Kenobi – Blue
19 Obi-Wan Kenobi – Red
20 Luke Skywalker – Blue
20 Luke Skywalker – Red
21 Luke Skywalker – Blue
21 Luke Skywalker – Red
22 Gammorean Guard – Blue
22 Gammorean Guard – Red
23 Salacious Crumb – Green
23 Salacious Crumb – Orange
24 Wicket – Green
24 Wicket – Orange
25 Boba Fett – Green
25 Boba Fett – Orange
26 Ewok – Green
26 Ewok – Orange
27 Jabba the Hutt – Green
27 Jabba the Hutt – Orange
28 Lando Calrissian – Green
28 Lando Calrissian – Orange
29 Max Reebo – Green
29 Max Reebo – Orange
30 Leia Organa – Green
30 Lead Organa – Orange
31 Leia Organa – Green
31 Leia Organa – Orange
32 Han Solo – Green
32 Han Solo – Orange
33 Biker Scout – Green
33 Biker Scout – Orange
Series 2

34 Darth Vader
35 Luke Skywalker
36 Han Solo
37 Princess Leia
38 See-Threepio
39 Artoo-Detoo
40 Wicket
41 Admiral Ackbar
42 Chewbacca
43 The Emperor
44 Millennium Falcon
45 R2-D2 / C-3PO
46 Han Solo
47 Desert Skiff
48 Nien Nunb / Lando Calrissian
49 C-3PO / Leia Organa / Jabba the Hutt / Bib Fortuna
50 Han Solo / Leia Organa / Luke Skywalker / Chewbacca / R2-D2 / C-3PO
51 C-3PO / Chewbacca / Leia Organa
52 Darth Vader
53 R2-D2 / Ewoks
54 Han Solo
55 Salacious Crumb