Every great adventure starts somewhere. When it comes to Indiana Jones trading cards, it’s 1981 Topps Raiders of the Lost Ark.
It’s an 88-card set that summarizes the story and highlights its characters. Starting at the beginning of the story, the checklist provides a solid amount of depth given the medium. From the pursuit of golden idols through to unlocking the secrets of some long sought after artifacts, cards cover it.
Fronts are instantly recognizable, largely for their bright green outer border that stands out in any stack of trading cards. Of all the things that could have been used for the inner border like a whip or even vines, Topps opted for the one thing that the movie’s hero hates, snakes.
On the back, the Ark of the Covenant acts as a frame for the write-up. Given the limited amount of space, these are actually quite detailed.Underneath is a prompt to continue on to the next card. It’s also the only place to find the Raiders of the Lost Ark logo as it’s not actually mentioned on the front.
Although much of the 1981 Topps Raiders of the Lost Ark checklist takes on the same format, there are some characters cards at the front of the set. The bold green borders are still in play but the layout is different.
This is also where collectors will find the key card in the set. Indiana Jones gets his first appearance and introduction on card #2.
Beyond the Checklist
Unlike most sets of Topps movie trading cards at the time, 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark doesn’t have any stickers to go along with the base set.
In recent years, the set’s popularity has risen with unopened boxes leading the way as far as growing values. This is something seen throughout entertainment cards from the early 1980s.
1981 Topps Raiders of the Lost Ark Checklist
Set size: 88 cards
Cards per pack: 10
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1981 Topps Raiders of the Lost Ark boxes on eBay.
Base Set
88 cards.
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1 Title Card
2 Indiana Jones
3 Marion Ravenwood
4 Rene Belloq
5 Sallah
6 Valley Of Mystery
7 Temple Of The Warriors
8 Victim Of The Gods
9 The Priceless Gold Idol
10 Removing The Idol
11 The Collapsing Walls
12 Chased…By A Boulder!
13 Fearsome Hovitos Indians
14 Snagged By Belloq
15 Belloq’s Prize
16 Escape To The Skies!
17 Indy’s Lecture
18 Outlining The Quest
19 Mystery Of History
20 The Raven Bar
21 The Drinking Contest
22 Indy And Marion Reunited
23 An Affair To Remember
24 The Mysterious Medallion
25 The Creature Called Toht
26 Marion In A Jam!
27 Jones To The Rescue!
28 Struggle to the Death!
29 Deadly Flames!
30 The Human Torch
31 The Prize Of Agony
32 Escape!
33 Fleeing The Blazing Inferno!
34 Secret Of The Medallion
35 Attacked By Arab Henchmen!
36 The Challenge
37 Master of the Bullwhip
38 Where’s Marion?
39 Marion Ravenwood…Dead?
40 The Rivals Meet
41 A Valuable Clue For Indy
42 The Tanis Digs
43 Overseers Of Evil
44 Indy And Sallah…In Disguise!
45 Inside The Map Room
46 The Key To Eternity
47 Indy Zeroes In
48 Well Of The Souls
49 A Very-Much-Alive Marion!
50 Treacherous Descent
51 Chamber Of Death!
52 Within The Stone Chest
53 Ark of The Covenant
54 Trapped By Belloq
55 Sea Of Serpents
56 Our Heroes…Doomed?
57 Hissing Death!
58 Trapped in the Well!
59 Terror of the Mummies
60 I Hate Snakes!
61 Indy’s Gamble
62 Loading The Ark
63 A Mountain Of Muscle
64 Marion Holds Off The Enemy!
65 Spectacular Brawl!
66 Exploding Fuel Tank
67 Where There’s Smoke, There’s Indy!
68 Destruction Of The Flying Wing
69 Race For The Ark!
70 The Chase
71 Aboard The Bantu Wind
72 Held At Gunpoint By The Nazis
73 Indy Hitches A Ride!
74 The Arrival Of The Ark
75 Removing The Precious Cargo
76 Yet Another Disguise For Jones
77 The March to Destiny
78 Threatened By Indiana Jones
79 Indy’s Bluff Is Called
80 Captives Of The Evil One
81 The Way To The Altar
82 The Ritual Begins
83 The Awesome Moment
84 The Ark Is Opened!
85 The Power Of God!
86 The Adventure Ends…Or Does It?
87 Destiny Of The Ark
88 Checklist