1978 Topps Superman The Movie trading cards capture the superhero blockbuster in all of its charm and glory. And while most of the checklist falls into line with tradition, there are some signs of evolution and experimentation — even if they wouldn’t be revisited for several years.
1978 Topps Superman The Movie Checklist Overview
The base set consists of 165 cards spread across two separate series. The first has a modest 77 cards while the remaining 88 come in Series 2. Things zip around as far as events go, even within each individual series. As a result, from a story perspective, this set is extremely disjointed as events are often out of order. However, there are plenty of spots on the checklist that tap into the iconography of the film, making for some striking cards.
Even without looking at the cards numbers, which are on the card fronts, it’s easy to tell a 1978 Topps Superman The Movie Series 1 card from Series 2. The first release uses white borders while the second opts for red. It’s similar to the multi-series 1977 Star Wars and 1989 Batman releases from the cards, which also change up their borders for quick identification.
Most card backs double as puzzle pieces. However, there some are information, offering Superman facts as well as delving a little more into the film’s story.
Like most Topps movie sets from the 1970s, stickers are also on the checklist. This is where things get different from the usual. Series 1 has 12 total. Like the base set, Series 2 is a little bigger with 18. Six Stickers in each series are follow the usual die-cut images with thick borders approach. However, none are numbered. They do have captions, though.
The remaining stickers are all done on foil stock. While the look is different and shiny, they’re incredibly difficult to find without any scratches or other signs of wear. As far as set building goes, it’s also challenging because Foil Stickers don’t have numbers or captions, making lists a little tougher as digging requiring a closer inspection of the image.
1978 Topps Superman trading cards don’t have the same level of popularity as some others from the same timeframe like Star Wars, but this is still an exceptionally popular release. With the film still ranking as one of the most beloved superhero movies of all-time, that’s not likely to change.
Topps also made sets for Superman II and Superman III.
1978 Topps Superman The Movie Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 165 cards
Cards per pack: Series 1 – 11, Series 2 – 11
Packs per box: Series 1 – 36, Series 2 – 36
Shop for 1978 Topps Superman The Movie boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
165 cards.
Series 1 – #1-77, Series 2 – #78-165.
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Series 1
1 Christopher Reeve as The Man of Steel
2 Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent
3 Margot Kidder as Lois Lane
4 Zooming Across The Sky
5 Valerie Perrine as Eve
6 Ned Beatty as Otis
7 Jackie Cooper as Perry White
8 Editor and Staff of the Daily Planet
9 Susannah York as Lara
10 Marc McClure as Jimmy Olsen
11 Glenn Ford as Jonathan Kent
12 The Majestic Planet Krypton
13 Incredible Laboratory of Jor-El
14 Lois Lane In a Jam!
15 A Study in Villainy
16 Arch Criminals On Trial
17 Briefing Military Police of Krypton
18 A World Torn Asunder…!
19 The Spaceship Blasts Off!
20 Protector of the Peace
21 The Might of Superman
22 A Final Farewell from Lara
23 The Death Throes of Planet Krypton!
24 Clark Kent, Ace Reporter!
25 Destruction of a World in Space
26 Aerial Adventure!
27 Escape from Destruction
28 Journey Across the Gulf of Space!
29 Superbaby arrives on Earth!
30 Observing Landing of a Spaceship
31 Adopting a Space Child
32 Young Clark Kent (Jeff East) and his Foster Dad
33 The Passing of Jonathan Kent
34 The Youthful Lois Lane and her Parents
35 Superman Makes the Headlines!
36 Paying a Call on Lois Lane
37 Night Flight
38 Flight Over Metropolis
39 Perils of The Big City!
40 The Man Of Steel In Flight
41 Panic In the Sky!
42 Amazing Strength of the Star Child
43 Sole Survivor of Krypton
44 Preparing to Leap Skyward
45 Facing Incredible Odds!
46 Trial By Fire!
47 On the Trail of Lex Luthor
48 The Icy Peril
49 Ready for Action!
50 Heroic Stranger from the Stars
51 The Amazing Man of Steel
52 Interview with Superman
53 The incredible Scoop of Lois Lane
54 Superman Leaps Into Action!
55 Superman To The Rescue!
56 A Daring Rescue!
57 Lois Lane thanks Superman
58 Rescued by the Man of Steel!
59 Superman (Christopher Reeve)
60 Confronting the Arch-Criminal Lex Luthor
61 Portrait of a Hero
62 Protector of Truth and Justice
63 All-American Hero!
64 First Appearance In the Comics (1938)
65 Soaring Above The City
66 Landing of the Spaceship
67 Nefarious Plan of Lex Luthor
68 The Scheme to Destroy Superman
69 Marlon Brando as Jor-El
70 Jor-El and Lara…Their Final Moments!
71 The Projection of Jor-El
72 Doomsday On Krypton!
73 Life-Saving Spaceship of Jor-El
74 The Infant Son of Jor-El
75 Lex Luthor and Eve…Companions in Villainy!
76 Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor
77 Conversing With The Elders
Series 2
78 Rushing to the Rescue!
79 Phyllis Thaxter plays Martha Kent
80 Sunset in Smallville
81 Fabulous Lair of Lex Luthor
82 The Villains Discuss their Plan
83 Christopher Reeve plays Superman
84 A Razzled Lois Lane!
85 Inside the Fortress of Solitude
86 A Low Moment for Clark Kent!
87 Ace Bumbler Otis!
88 The Dynamic Duo of Villainy
89 Lovely Lois Lane (Margot Kidder)
90 Clinging to Life!
91 Clark Kent as a Young Man (Jeff East)
92 The Family of Jor-El on Krypton
93 Superman in a Pensive Mood
94 Sarah Douglas plays Ursa
95 Eve’s Part in the Lex Luthor Plan
96 Clark Kent of the Daily Planet
97 Director Richard Donner
98 Christopher Reeve Plays Clark Kent
99 Accident on the Road!
100 Ned Beatty Plays Otis
101 Saved by the Man of Steel!
102 Marc McClure Plays Jimmy Olsen
103 Face Of Anger
104 Farewell to Smallville
105 Glenn Ford plays Jonathan Kent
106 And Who, Disguised as Clark Kent…
107 Superman Visits the Fortress of Solitude
108 Maria Schell plays Vond-Ah
109 Incredible Display of Strength!
110 Jack O’Halloran Plays Non
111 Spotting the Man of Steel
112 Destruction of the Dam!
113 The Chamber of the Council of Elders
114 Fleeing the Destruction of Krypton!
115 Superman In Metropolis
116 The One-And-Only Lois Lane!
117 Jonathan Kent In Smallville
118 Repairing the Twisted Train Rails!
119 Terence Stamp plays General Zod
120 Mysterious Hunt for Lex Luthor
121 The World’s Most Diabolical Villain
122 Lex Luthor wants YOU!
123 Time For a Quick Change!
124 200 Feet Below Grand Central Station!
125 Cub Reporter Jimmy Olsen
126 Flight Around Metropolis
127 Condemned to the Phantom Zone
128 Eve Teschmacher : Dizzy, Devious and Delightful!
129 Our Hero In Civilian Clothes
130 Clark Kent Transforms Into Superman!
131 Jor-El in the Trial Chamber
132 Jackie Cooper plays Perry White
133 The Incredible Scheme Begins
134 Eve and her Mentor, Lex Luthor
135 John Barry, Master of Illusion
136 Amazing Hearing Powers of Superman
137 Ursa – Villainess Supreme
138 Might of the Man of Steel
139 Valerie Perrine Plays Eve
140 Lovers from Different Worlds
141 Susannah York Plays Lara
142 Gene Hackman Plays Lex Luthor
143 Vond-Ah and Jor-El
144 Valerie Perrine, featured as Eve
145 The Farm of Jonathan Kent in Smallville
146 The Stupendous Man of Steel
147 Young Clark Kent and the Mysterious Crystal
148 Superman Spots a Crime
149 Can This Be the End of Lois Lane?
150 Night Heist
151 Flying Over the Dam
152 The Movie Set for Krypton
153 A Cowardly Blow from Behind!
154 Mission for a Bumbler
155 Visitor from Another Planet
156 Lex Luthor: Madman or Brilliant Scientist?
157 Deceiving His Military Foes
158 Soaring to New Heights!
159 Copter Atop the Daily Planet
160 Death of an Exotic World
161 How Did You Know the Exact Contents of My Purse?
162 Threatened By a Mugger!
163 On His Way to the Lair of Lex Luthor
164 The Objective of Lex Luthor
165 Saving a Power Plant!
Stickers Checklist
12 cards.
Series 1
Blue border.

The Man of Steel
Portrait of Clark Kent
Portrait of Jimmy Olsen
Portrait of Lois Lane
Portrait of Lara
Portrait of Superman
Series 2
Red border.

Evil Criminal Non
General Zod
Lovely Lois Lane
The Man of Steel
Young Clark Kent
Foil Stickers Checklist
16 cards.
Series 1

Arms Crossed
Fist Forward
Flying Forward
Flying Right
Hands on Hips
Superman Insignia (color different from border)
Series 2

Clark Kent
Fist Out
Flying by Statue of Liberty
Flying in Front of Cliff
Fortress of Solitude
Holding Railroad Tracks
Looking Serious
Superman Insignia (color same as border)
Walking Through Metal Corridor