Not all Marvel trading cards take the serious route. Today, the vast majority do, centering more on action. But 1976 Topps Marvel Super Hero Stickers come from a different time when the super hero genre was in a very different place.
The 40-card checklist in the main set all feature one character with classic artwork. While they’re all posed, there’s no scene or even a backdrop beyond the die-cut black border around the outside of the sticker part.
But don’t let their plain nature fool you. There’s plenty of corny jokes and puns. That’s where the levity comes in. Rather than simply have the characters on their own, each sticker card has a speech bubble to go with it. Much of it is in the so-bad-it’s-good vein.
The formula is the same as the one used for 1975 Marvel Comic Book Heroes. In fact, they’re so similar, this could be seen as an unofficial Series 2.
And while the main checklist has 40 cards, a handful of them do have variations with different captions.
Each pack of 1976 Topps Marvel Super Hero Stickers comes with a piece of a Conan the Barbarian puzzle. These have checklists on the back.
As one of the earlier Marvel trading card products, 1976 Marvel Super Hero Stickers remain popular today. Prices are still reasonable but they’re not cheap either.
1976 Topps Marvel Super Hero Stickers Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1976 Topps Marvel Super Hero Stickers boxes on eBay.
Base Set
40 cards.
The Angel – I’m heading south for the winter
Black Goliath – Bowling sure is fun!
Blade – I’m a real cut up!
Bucky – How’d you like a knuckle sandwich?
Captain America – I’ve got to stand this way or my pants fall down!
Conan – Hold the pickle or else!
Conan – Shall we dance?
Cyclops – I’m a sight for sore eyes!
Daredevil – See no evil!
Deathlok – I’m the Seven Million Dollar Man
Dr. Doom – Anyone out there have a can opener!
Dr. Strange – Did anyone see a flying sorcerer?
Dracula – So this is how you do the hustle!
Galactus – No, I’m not the Mad Hatter!
Goliath – Wanna hear a tall story?
Hercules – Like my nail polish?
Hercules – Look, I have a hang-nail
Howard the Duck – I’m going quackers!
The Hulk – Can’t anyone make cuffs right?
The Hulk – Help cure athlete’s feet!
Human Torch – Who called me a hot-head?
Ice Man – I’ll never eat another frozen dinner!
Invisible Girl – I use vanishing cream!
Iron Man – Quick – anyone have an oilcan?
Kid Colt – I am not kidding around!
Killraven – I’ll teach you to make fun of my hair-do!
Loki – What and awful case of ear-wax
Loki – Who says I’m bull-headed?
Luke Cage – Like my denture work?
Luke Cage – Two all-beef patties please!
Peter Parker – Peter Parker picked a peck of pickled peppers!
The Punisher – Oh boy! I win the Kewpie doll!
Red Skull – What makes you think I’m angry?
Red Sonja – My sword gives six extra shaves!
Sgt. Fury – War makes me fighting mad!
Silver Surfer – You’ll take a shine to me!
Son of Satan – Waiter, bring me a clean fork!
Spider-Man – Insects scare me silly!
The Thing – Who said I’m a falling rock zone?
Thor – Don’t make me Thor!
Tigra – Cat food for dinner again?
The Vision – Who stole my yo-yo?
Volstagg – Fat is beautiful!
Volstagg – I was a 980 pound weakling
Warlock – Stop me if you heard this before…
The Watcher – Hiya Kids! Hiya, hiya, hiya!
1976 Topps Marvel Super Hero Stickers Gallery

Conan the Barbarian Checklists
9 cards.

These have a checklist on one side and a puzzle piece on the other. Unlike the rest of the set, these are traditional trading cards and not stickers.