Planet of the Apes first hit screens early in 1968. It was a full year before 1969 Topps Planet of the Apes trading cards arrived, though. The set is curious for multiple reasons and the delayed release is just one of them.
When the movie first came out, there weren’t plans for trading cards. But as the box office grew and the sci-fi epic got people talking, even kids, Topps opted to give it a go. The result is one of the most enduring sets of the decade that remains popular still today.
How 1969 Topps Planet of the Apes Trading Cards Nearly Never Happened
Gary Gerani explains in a 2017 book from Abrams outlining Topps’ various sets with the franchise, there were complications. Lead star Charlton Heston wasn’t originally interested in appearing on trading cards for the movie. That would be like an E.T. set without E.T. or Close Encounters of the Third Kind without Richard Dreyfuss. Out wait, Topps did that.
Gerani noted that typically, Topps’ entertainment sets came from TV shows where star power was minimal. Heston was one of the most famous actors in the world at the time. Eventually, a deal was struck and Heston agreed to appear on nine cards. It wasn’t a lot but Topps could make it work.
What’s in the Set
For starters, the checklist was shrunk from a planned 66 down to 44. This was meant to be a cover for Heston’s reduced involvement. Too big of a checklist and it would be noticeable. Make the set smaller and the limitations could be hidden.
As for what is there, 1969 Topps Planet of the Apes is a somewhat abbreviated transformation of the movie from the screen to cardboard. More than telling the story in full, it feels more like a snapshot of life in the film’s world.
The design lends to this. Fronts have a clean white border, large image and short caption inside of a small flag-like banner. That’s it. The minimalist elements lets the photos stand out. And with such interesting creatures, costumes and locations, most cards stand out on their own.
Backs fill in some of the blanks with a more extensive write-up.
One piece of confusion surrounding the set is the year it was released. The copyright on the cards backs have the roman numerals for 1967. However, that’s a reference to the film itself, not the cards. This set indeed came out in 1969, the year after the movie came out. Topps’ set for the Planet of the Apes television show also has a 1967 copyright. It did not air until 1974 and the trading cards didn’t arrive until 1975.
Speaking of the TV show, sometimes the two sets will get mixed up, which is understandable given the front designs are the same. The backs offer an easy giveaway. Topps Planet of the Apes movie cards have green backs with the film’s title and the illustrated accents. Cards for the TV series use puzzle pieces and smaller write-ups around the outside on the reverse.
1969 Topps Planet of the Apes Checklist
Set size: 44 cards
Cards per pack: Wax – ?, Cello Pack – 12
Packs per box: Wax Box – 24
Shop for 1969 Topps Planet of the Apes packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
44 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Crash Landing!
2 Bail Out!
3 Stranded!
4 Spaceman George Taylor!
5 First Sign of Life!
6 Discovery!
7 Man vs. Beast!
8 Captives of the Apes!
9 Stalking Human Prey!
10 Another Prisoner!
11 Nova is Captured!
12 No Escape!
13 Ape Brutality!
14 Captured!
15 The Victors!
16 Proud Conquerors!
17 Say Cheese!
18 Ape Surgeon!
19 Taylor’s Life is Saved!
20 Pleading for Mercy!
21 Caged!
22 Taylor’s Ally!
23 Words of Anger!
24 Human on a Leash!
25 Return to Prison!
26 Ape Scientist!
27 Taylor’s Escape Fails!
28 Zoo Attendant!
29 Water Torture!
30 Ape Madhouse!
31 Manacled!
32 Ape Jury!
33 Speaking Against Taylor!
34 The Trial Continues!
35 Ape City!
36 Deciding Taylor’s Fate!
37 Escape!
38 The Search!
39 The Forbidden Zone!
40 Under Arrest!
41 Friends of the Human!
42 Farewell!
43 Man’s Destiny!
44 Lights! Camera! Action!