The King has had no shortage of trading cards over the years, but 1956 Topps Elvis Presley might be the most iconic. Coming out during the early part of his career, the set looks at Elvis the singer and the actor.
1956 Topps Elvis Presley Checklist Details
The complete set consists of 66 cards. But the approach is a little different than most music sets. That’s because 1956 Topps Elvis Presley isn’t just about music. It delves into his acting debut as well and touches a little on his personal life.
The checklist is basically divided into two sections. The first 46 cards center on the musical side of The King of Rock and Roll, delving into Presley’s early hits and chronicling some of his major performances. The remaining 20 cards are dedicated to his turn as Clint Reno in 1956’s Love Me Tender, the first of more than two dozen movies that he made through to the end of the 1960s.
Card fronts are simple enough with a white border and image taking up most of the space. Music-based cards have a red guitar icon with the caption. Movie cards have a clap board instead of the guitar.
Backs of the music-focused cards are done to read as though Presley is answering personal questions from fan mail. Everything from what a typical date might entail (spoiler: it involves movies and hamburgers) to what it’s like to be a super famous celebrity who can seemingly do it all. Card #2 changes up the format. Instead of the “Ask Elvis” approach, this card acts as a checklist for Presley’s records.
For the Love Me Tender cards, the backs shift to a traditional movie recap and highlights.
Around the time of this set’s release, trading cards as a whole were evolving with Topps leading the way. One of these changes was the establishment of the now-traditional 3.5″ by 2.5″ card dimensions. If 1956 Topps Elvis Presley wasn’t the first entertainment release to opt for this size, it was certainly one of the earliest.
Topps But Not Topps
1956 Topps Elvis Presley trading cards were definitely made by Topps. However, the company’s name is nowhere to be found on them. Instead, the copyright lists Bubbles Inc. This was a banner they used for products that could be deemed as controversial and potentially damaging to the Topps brand.
Yes, there was a time when hip-swinging Elvis Presley was deemed as controversial — or worse.
Other sets using the Bubbles Inc. name include Mars Attacks, which has both overt sexuality and pet dogs being lasered into oblivion and the horror-focused 1959 You’ll Die Laughing.
1956 Topps Elvis Presley Checklist
66 cards.
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1 Go, Go, Go, Elvis
2 Elvis Presley’s Record Collector’s Check List
3 Relaxing at Rehearsal
4 Love Me Tender
5 Soft and Mellow
6 Elvis with His Fans
7 Presley Press Conference
8 Singing with the Heart
9 Time Out Between Shows
10 America’s Singing Idol
11 Don’t Be Cruel
12 Pickin’ Out a Tune
13 Steve Allen and Elvis
14 Down on the Farm
15 Judging His Record
16 Vacation Fun
17 Studying the Script
18 Signing Session
19 I Want You, I Need You, I Love
20 A Tux for TV
21 Elvis Presley
22 The Fan’s Friend
23 Ready to Ride
24 Elvis’ Movie Debut
25 Elvis’ Motorcycle
26 Hound Dog
27 Swinging Low
28 Acting Outdoors
29 Facing the Cameras
30 Elvis the Actor
31 At the Keyboard
32 Tuning Up for the Show
33 A Show for the Hometown
34 Taking It Easy Between Scenes
35 Elvis at 17
36 Chow Time on the Movie Set
37 Strumming for Fun
38 Elvis’ Escort
39 Lights, Camera, Action!
40 Serenade to a Pooch
41 Rockin’ on Stage
42 Radio Broadcast
43 Recording Session
44 Elvis’ Special Shirt
45 Preparing to Go on Stage
46 America’s Top Singer
47 Clint and Cathy Reno
48 Farm Chores
49 New Member of the Family
50 Hard Work
51 Happy Homecoming
52 Porch Performance
53 I Want an Honest Answer
54 Heading for the Fair
55 Singing Up a Storm
56 Bad News
57 I’m Goin’ to Vance
58 Rescue Ride
59 Clint’s Plan
60 Don’t Try to Stop Me
61 Fighting Mad
62 Two Against One
63 Setting the Trap
64 Let Him Have It, Clint
65 Clint Takes Aim
66 Go Back to Vance